Kay Dee
I............ haven't pushed a 2.8 doing IWR
Nor have I.
Can you get away with it? Yeah, maybe but I wouldn't take those odds in water.
I am certainly not asking / advocating you or anyone else 'take those odds'. Just describing what I would do in a certain circumstance (as I described many pages ago,) that is far from 'hypothetical' (as someone else referred to it as) in my sphere of real world situations / experience.
Then again my thoughts on IWR is it's first aid, not treatment, treatment comes later
If you go back and read of my own personal experience using IWR, it was certainly treatment in my case, not just first aid. Breathing o2 on the surface is what I'd refer to as 'first aid', while in-water reco certainly is not, IMHO. But each to their own of course.