Bob and Blair asked me to share this with all of you, hope you enjoy the read.
"To: Bob and Blair
My Force Fin Experience
The mystery of the ocean has always fascinated me, from huge to minute marine life, pelagics to tiny nudibranchs; the flow of ocean currents and the life they propagate, to the rollicking waves. Since I started diving 10 years ago, I have always endeavoured to broaden and deepen my understanding of the ocean and its inhabitants. Every dive reveals more and more, nothing gets old. Simply watching clownfish tuck and turn in their anemone home or marvelling at trevally jacks schooling in an underwater vortex deepens my understanding every time. In a way, using Force Fins has also added to that experience and understanding. They reveal to me how fish move underwater so efficiently. In becoming a part of the ocean, one becomes a part of understanding it. The detailed studies on fish movement by Bob that have translated into the development of Force Fins has increased not only my ability, but also other Force Fin users, to become part of the ocean and hence become a greater part of understanding it. In bridging the gap we could all appreciate the value of life that pervades in the ocean.
I want to personally thank you both for assisting and allowing me to acquire my first two pairs of Force Fin PROs. Upon receiving my first set, I immediately ran to test them out in the pool downstairs. I was awed by the way the fins flexed and moved underwater, and the ease with which I could kick. I dont know whether it was the competitive swimmer in me, but I took to Force Fins like a bird takes to wings. After reading that they take some getting used to, I disagreed. But thats my personal opinion. It came so naturally when I put them on: Swimming on my back on the surface, flutter kicks under water, frog kicks, helicopter turns, and various other manoeuvres.
As with the marine environment, I am passionately interested about diving equipment as well from modern advanced equipment to vintage horse collar BCDs. Over the years I have tried and tested many fins, most of which have literally crumbled after being left on the shelf when not in use for some time. With my most recent Mares Avanti Quattros, and perhaps all my past fins, I always felt a certain feeling of wanting to break free from the closed foot pocket. Those fins, though stiff, were hard work. When I had to tow exhausted new divers on the surface back to the boat in strong current, I too felt exhausted by the time we reached the safety of the boat.
Halfway through my first dive with my brand new Mares Avanti Quattros in July 08, my right heel strap snapped. A few minutes later, my left strap snapped. I was diving with two broken straps. I calmly tried to lodge my feet further into the foot pocket as I didnt want to abort the dive and inconvenience both my friends. Plus, I had the confidence that I could continue the dive and finish it without compromising my own safety (the currents were also very calm). I finished the dive, but had to rent a pair of fins for the rest of my dive trip. When I read about the physics of Force Fins and its design in keeping your feet in the open foot pocket with every kick, I knew that my days with broken straps would be over. I tested my new PROs in open water, kicking without the bungee straps, and they never left my feet.
When I was in Bali just a few weeks ago, I met another Force Fin diver. He was from Seattle and was using the Originals in jet black they had scratches all over them and he told me theyve been his trusted pair of fins for a long time. The currents in Bali are very strong, and this was the perfect opportunity for me to power up my PROs. So we found ourselves in a very strong current at a depth of 25m. Both of us exchanged glances and just sat steady in the current, finning without much effort while the rest of the group were struggling. My breathing was calm and regular and it was such a breeze fighting the current.
I am throwing out my Mares Avanti Quattros.
As with all important equipment, I always make an effort to have them with me in my carry-on luggage. Together with my camera and housing, frameless mask, and dive computer, my PROs are going into my bag as well."