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Scuba Instructor
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Well folks, looks like I'll be "down the road", as far as this board goes, before much longer. I am informed by "ladydiver" the "super regulator" that I have used my second of three "strikes". Apparently I have angered or offended two of my allotted three people. No doubt this post will anger or offend my third.

This is a good board, quite possibly the best scuba related message board on the Net. I've learned a lot here and I sincerely hope that I've been helpful to a few people as well. I'm fully aware that I tend to be abrasive at times, and yes, I get angry occasionally and am not very good at checking my words when it happens. That's just me and isn't likely to change. I can see why some might think that this doesn't fit in with the prevailing attitude on this board.

As some of you may already know, in some cases my harshness is motivated by concern. Two of the threads which got me in trouble are good cases in point; the non-swimming diver thread, and the weight belt thread. In both of these cases hazardous diving practices were being condoned. Perhaps I should have tried to be nicer about it, hindsight is 20/20, but in any case I refuse to be silent when I hear such things. Diving is not simply a leisurely recreational activity that one does a couple times a year to relax. It's a very serious undertaking and if you screw it up it will kill you.

In other cases, I just got mad. Maybe I had reason to, maybe not. I guess that depends on one's perspective.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that it's been fun. You can expect that my posts will cease shortly and I just wanted everyone to know why. I highly doubt that it will be announced, better to just let that negative stuff slide quietly by, right?

You guys enjoy yourselves, keep asking questions, even the ones that might seem dumb. There's plenty of people here that will help you out. You may not always like the answers, but they'll generally be honest ones. Trust the people who have the diving experience, Don't look too hard at the fancy titles like "senior member" or even "regulator", that just means they talk a lot and certain people like them.

And folks, remember one last thing: stay warm and fuzzy, or else!

Hmm, after 1031 posts I am sure you are bound to of upset a few people, however being banned from the board for such action is ludicrous, it is the nature of the internet, message boards in perticular to uphold an air of "Free Speech" a freedom the WWW was indeed founded on, and indeed your very country if I am not mistaken?

Obviously with such freedoms you are bound to please some, and offend some, thats the nature of humans being free thinkers, what you feel is right, I may feel is wrong, you are however intitled to your opinion, and your input in any matter on what seems to be a "public" forum

Ofcourse I am not aware of what perticular posts you made, nor the language you used, suffice to say we all can get a little heated about things we feel so passionatly about, and in my experiance so far the members of this board are passionate about diving, and that those that undertake it do it with safety, and consideration in mind, Definatly these things need to be gotten across in a way that trys to be diplomatic to all parties, but an opinion is an opinion, and will always be bias, and against the beliefs and feelings of someone out there

3 strikes in 1031 seems to make you mostly a good poster, and I dont see why your great input should be removed from the board for upsetting a few people, if everyone complained then message boards would probably not exist! :)

Ofcourse like I said, I don't know what exactly you said to offend anyone,

Keep in Touch, and I hope it really doesnt come to the whole "bye bye" thing :)
This has nothing to do with Wreck Writer's announcement directly, but, Phoenix, although the whole world can see it, I don't think this moderated forum is exactly "public" in the sense that you mean. When you register, there is that little "terms of service" thing that you either accept or decline. I think it is more like a private club with membership rules.
I see your pont, what I was getting at is anyone can come along, read something, and take offense to it, hence its public domain material, which can be accessed and viewed by all :)
EXCUSE ME, but this is taking being P.C. to an extreme !
Maybe it's my bluecollar, redneck upbringing but I see no harm in having an arguement, even a heated one, as long as uncalled for malice is not present.

What I have noticed with Wreckwriter is his wealth of knowledge and willingness to share. He does exhibit a passion for safety, but believe me with his extensive charter expierence, he's seen it all the good, the bad , and the just plain ugly ! I for one would miss seeing his informative postings.

On the other hand I have seen sarcastic and mean spirited postings concerning things such as spelling and grammmar.
Oviously neither has anything to do with scuba diving, these apparently are fair game for the educationally endowed.

So c'mon folks, lets get off the high horses and get back to talking scuba, no matter how flawed or salty it may be.

That is bad news...For the short time I have been on this board, I have enjoyed reading your posts...WARNING if you get offended easily don't read the following. Go straight to section 2.
1. That is part of the problem now-a-days. TOO many people are so hung up on what others do or say....By stating your have to worry about hurting someones feelings...offending them..Everyone has to walk around on "eggshells".On a board like this, you will never know everyone....How can you know someone on here well enough to let their opinion impact you...¿...Just let it slide off...."Suck it up and Drive on!"..Everyone is different...everyone has there on opinions...It is not going to change...So, why go through life unhappy w/ all the people that think different than you...NOT worth it!!

2. Hope they change their mind. If not have a good life and some great dives.....and Blue skies and clear waters to everyone else.

I for one will be very disappointed if you are no longer here. I personally have learned a lot from you. As someone I perceive as being a true, been there, done that wreck diver I have come to value your advise. As we all know, some people can not take a joke, laugh at themselves, and they sometimes take themselves a bit to serious. I've watched the treads where your supposed indiscretion have occurred and if you are being asked to leave over those transgressions, I hope that your fellow debaters are also escorted to the door. As a mater of fact, there were some post about how we Americans were responsible for the 911 attacks and how we should forgive those mischievous scamps who flew planes full of innocent people into the buildings because we treated them so poorly. Now that post really offended me... Have they given that poster a warning???

Ok, I have digressed and have probably used up one of my warnings too. Tom, I look forward to your post on another board that I have joined because of information you posted on here. And if ever given the opportunity, it would be my honor to dive with you one day.

Tom -

As a new diver and poster on this board, I have come to enjoy your candidness (even though it is at times a bit harsh). You call it as you see it. Many people in this world, and on this board, cannot accept things for what they are. All I can say is that it will be truly unfortunate if you are unable to continue to post here. That being said, do not change. There are those of us who can see your concern in your posts.

Scuba Princess.
...but... it's a Pug thang :eek:ut:

Okay bucko... back away from that post and drop your keyboard!!!


You're the whiney little wuss that got your feelings hurt over somebody's broken finger aren't you...

Enough of your clamoring for PC... and then trying to make it seem like LD is going to kick you off the board for not being PC... what a hoot... if you load the post and hit enter then it was you who did the deed...


I said back away from that post...

Shoot... if I can put up with being called a *Seppo* on this board then you can put up with a little ... uh... uh... with a ... hmmm...

Well... you can put up with something!

OK! Now play nice :eek:ut:
First, thanks much to those send messages of support, both here and in PM. I very much appreciate it.

Pug, PC? Do you REALLY believe that's all it is, political correctness?

Did I get my feeling hurt over that finger? You should know, you deleted the post where I advised her regarding pain.

As for "ld", does everyone want to see what she sent me? Does everyone want to know that she didn't reply to my questions regarding that "note"?

What's a "seppo"? I thought I'd heard all of the slurs....

It's "Kobiashi Maru" scenario Pug. You know what that is? I bet someone here does...


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