Question Impressions count on posts

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Reaction score
# of dives
200 - 499

I love posting Trip Reports on ScubaBoard, but they take me a few hours to make (reading all my dive notes, defining and filling in sections, further marine life identification, reading email conversations with other dive shops that I didn't select, more researching for some reason, etc.). For all this effort, I would like to actually confirm that they are adding value to people. I could look at the number of emoji reactions, but my numbers are always very low (single digits). However, only members who are signed in can emoji react, so I reckon this is not a good measure. Is there a way to see the number of people who viewed a particular post of mine (i.e. impressions count)?

Thanks and happy holidays!!!
If you look at the list of threads before opening a particular post, you can clearly see the number of posts and views for each thread. See below:
Question Impressions count on posts
Replies1Views21 Now shows 2 posts with mine.
10 minutes ago
Ahhh, you can't see the view count from within the thread. You have to be on the forum's list page of threads. Thank you!!! (Not the most intuitive UX, but it'll do.)
Follow-up question: I see my trip reports have about 1K to 1.5K views. Is that average, below average, or above average for the amount of time my report has been live? What do trip reports with a high view count look like, so that I can learn from them? I tried using the Search Threads tool to view all reports with the prefix "Trip Report" within the forum "Regional Forums & Dive Clubs", but I get the error message, "Please specify a search query or the name of a member." But even if that worked, there's no option to sort by view count (I wouldn't think "most replies" would be a good measure, as a trip report may just be contenious). And the search results page doesn't show view counts: I'd have to manually re-find that report within each sub-forum. Any help with this dilemma too? Thank you!!!
We love trip reports! And appreciate you very very much!
Follow-up question: I see my trip reports have about 1K to 1.5K views. Is that average, below average, or above average
I write up my local dive reports and they average 150 views so 1500 is way way way above mine.
Here's mine:

... there's no option to sort by view count (I wouldn't think "most replies" would be a good measure,
The SB message board is basically a HUGE database with a HUGE number of members. If they allowed us to write custom query language it would overwhelm the server and slow down the normal operations of viewing and navigating. Those queries and sorting would cost alot of money from the server farm that hosts the board so those capabilities are not open to use.

Just me, but I don't care if my reports get views or replies. I mainly post reports to share ALL the underwater conditions {viz,current,temp,animals} so divers can make better & quicker decisions on whether to " GO / NO-GO " diving. Most divers live within 100 miles from their regular dive site and will make a final decision about 72hrs in advance. All of our dive reports, even if just 1 or 2 sentences, helps others plan better for diving. And that information can save them ALOT of time & dollars.

Keep posting your dive reports & always include a picture !!
Trip reports are a golden asset for all of us. While I may not read a trip report, or read it in-depth, for a place I am not planning to visit, I know it is in the data base should I change my mind. While I don’t write many reports, if they help one person, I am happy. Keep writing and don’t fuss with the number of views or responses.
Great to read those trip reports.

Would be nice to see some photos, even if just the boat/sites, decks, etc. just to get an idea of what it’s like.

It would also be great if there was some indication of price range for budgeting.

Also the water temperatures and which suits (if any) you used.

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