Impressed Customer

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Reaction score
Mobile AL
# of dives
500 - 999
How many times do we buy a product that is faulty or needs repairs (in warranty) and have to jump through hoop after hoop to get anything done? How many times do we call "customer service" only to get an endless loop of "push 1". "push 3", "input the 1st 4th and 3rd letters of the parties last name"? How many times do we send emails for help and we can count the change of seasons before we get an answer?

I recently had trouble with my DC 800, the shutter button would stick. Of course it happened when I was on vacation 2000 miles from home. When I called I go the initial answer machine and thought, oh great here we go. However I was pleasently surprised that after that initial machine I could press "0" and immediately got a human who then transferred me to the department I needed. After a brief discription of the problem i was told to send the camera housing to them to be checked out. I did and followed up and the day the camera was received by SeaLife the company replaced the camera and mailed the camera back that day. No hoops to jump through, no hassle, no threaqts or screaming. How wonderful and refreshing!

Now for the truly amazing part. As I said I was on vacation. Due to a misunderstanding SeaLife mailed the camera back to my home address not the return address where I was on vacation for an extended time. I am a resaonable guy and know mistakes happen so while this was disappointing no huge issue. The person i was speaking to at Sealife asked how not having the camera would affect my vacation. When he asked he was honestly concerned. He then offered to send me another camera to use while my camera was being rerouted! What!? I don't get that kinds of care from my heart doctor. Or from my own children. I am no great photographer and me not taking bad photographs for a few days wom't stop the world from spinning so I didn't take him up on the offer but I have to say I am HUGELY impressed with that kind of commitment to customers! I am a customer for life! Christmas time, Im listing or going to buy a SeaLife product. Birthday...Sealife product.

Great job SeaLife. All companies (esp cell phone and computer companies) could learn a thing or two from you on customer service.

They do have excellent customer service, I agree. But I'm getting to know their staff on a first name basis with all the equipment I have to keep sending back... :(
I have been favorably impressed with their commitment to customer service every time I have called them. I have had questions about how to use the camera or strobes and have always been treated as a student and not a stooge. They have been patient and helpful.

When i had trouble with a DC800 they went above and beyond my expectation to make sure I had all my issues taken care of - replaced the camera with new.

Kudos to SeaLife and SeaLife Joe for making my purchase of SeaLife products a great one.
They do have excellent customer service, I agree. But I'm getting to know their staff on a first name basis with all the equipment I have to keep sending back... :(

Hmmm, sounds like a great time for a brilliant engineer to send them a resume'.

I think they do a good job of trying to adapt poor quality production parts from the industry into a quality product that is moderately priced. Pretty tough field they have chosen to play in.
They do have excellent customer service, I agree. But I'm getting to know their staff on a first name basis with all the equipment I have to keep sending back... :(
Hehe, I knew Karl before he got scuba certified, and honestly - while he was very nice, he was a little challenged on what it was like to use a camera on a dive. That was years ago tho; I'm sure he knows diving much better since he started back then.

He has always been great with my problems tho, even tho the vast majority were my fault - even tho I didn't want to admit that. They could probly produce a much better product if we were all willing spend a lot more on camera, but for a selection of one-package dive cameras with price competition - they do great.

They still need to pack their Moisture Munchers in enough Damp Rid to keep the entire pack viable until you get to use them once each, but I just buy it in bulk at K-mart and recharge repeatedly now. Look! A $2 rebate on Damp Rid...!! :eyebrow:
I'm not sure if I'm, posting this in the right place but I wanted to share this with all who are interested.
I have the Sea Life DC 1200 with the strobe and now the flood light. I used the camera on several salt and fresh water dives last summer. Now that I'm getting ready for our next Cozumel trip in May I noticed that the zoom toggle switch was sticking a little. I emailed Karl at Sea Life and to make long story short he is sending me a new camera housing within 24 hours of my first email. And to be honest with you the switch was still working, just sticky. That's some awesome customer service.
GOOD JOB Karl and Sea Life.
And by the way the camera was awesome last summer with the strobe I got some really great pics, cant wait to try out this flood light.

Scuba Dave,
I'm not sure if I'm, posting this in the right place but I wanted to share this with all who are interested.
I have the Sea Life DC 1200 with the strobe and now the flood light. I used the camera on several salt and fresh water dives last summer. Now that I'm getting ready for our next Cozumel trip in May I noticed that the zoom toggle switch was sticking a little. I emailed Karl at Sea Life and to make long story short he is sending me a new camera housing within 24 hours of my first email. And to be honest with you the switch was still working, just sticky. That's some awesome customer service.
GOOD JOB Karl and Sea Life.
And by the way the camera was awesome last summer with the strobe I got some really great pics, cant wait to try out this flood light.

Scuba Dave,
My zoom toggle was a bit sticky after a day at the beach (and a snorkel/dive day the day before) but it seems fine after a good soaking in the sink while working the toggle. I'll have to check it again to see if it's still "clean".

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