In todays very abbreviated training a component is lacking and that is watermanship, Just read this post -- or read any post. Apparently swimming and watermsnship is considered an option in todays diving community. The modern tube sucking diver relys on equipment but when equipment fails the diver becomes and instant swimmer with little or no watermsnship abilities often become in fatality.
There needs to be more to modern training than what is currently offered under the guise of advanced diving techqnues. Dive often enough and deep enough and a diving emergency will occur that the diver has not had training and is totally unprepared for the consequences.
Reading this thread and this post to this board by "qualified" divers certainly verifies this statement . It has become apparent that many are people who dive, but never become divers and are totally unprepared for any activity that may require them to react to what should have been stress and practiced in training
In the beginning in 1954 there was one certifying organization that was the very demanding LA Co UW Instructors Association who created the world's first certifying program, the Underwater Instructor's Certifying Course commonly referred to as "UICC"
Many apply, a select few are accepted and even less graduate to become LA Co UW instructors.
The course required a D&R at 33 plus feet in open ocean which I did with my partner, the late great Bill Barada (look him up ) We removed the double hose regulator and tank and surfaced via a free asent or a CESA, . pumped up on the surface and zoomed down to recover the equipment
The 100 foot free assent (aka CESA) was performed at Catalina at Italian Gardens. the candidate faced the dive master ( team leader) took a hit and spit out his regulator. he heads for the surface with the dive master holding on to the SCUBA straps all the way to the surface .
Every one who passed the course performed a CESA with out any problems.
"Practice under controlled conditions what you may need to do under emergency panic conditions"
In1967 LA County developed the world's first and a true Advance Diver Program the three months long "ADP. " It require the student to perform a free assent a "CESA" from 33 feet.
The program also required the students to maintain a LA Co dive log - the first time a dive log was required and it was the second dive log ever created-which was developed by the LA Co SR Aquatics specialist Tom Ebro -which was copied by NAUI and later PADI
The very first commercial first Dive Log was created by the late Dick Bonin in 1955 while employed at the Chicago based dive company "Dive Master" ( you may recognize the name ) Dick was a co founder of SCUBA Pro in 1963- Lets give credit were credit is do...
Dick as an USN officer under Doug Fane (read his book The Naked Warriors or view the movie - Zale Parry is Doug's daughter (@drbills close personal friend ) They were testing regulator performance under the artic ice and Dick's regulator froze - he made a free assent under ice from 200 + feet
But the record of the deepest free assent goes to Commander George Bond. USN - 300 plus feet !
Every diver I certified in almost 30 years of instruction as LA Co, NAUI, PADI CMAS and other certifications all did a 33 CSEA as part of Catalina dive experience. Not one had difficulty.
While training and diving with my young son, what seems like in retrospect we dove every day and night , I made a rule that he could only dive as deep as he could perform a free assent aka CESA. I rescinded the requirement at 66 feet -As an adult pre med student Sam IV and Jeff Bozanic were drilling 300 & 400 foot holes in the Pacific -Good training pays !
Sam IV is now Director of ER& Hyperbarics at a California reginal hospital, so free ascending or CESA apparently had no short term or long term affect on him.
I have made innumerable free assents CSCA as a basic instructor and as a UICC dive master from 100 and one from, GOK, how many feet ? when my regulator and lift bag became one and away I went all tangled and dangled to the surface,.
Today, my age and with my long history of CESAs I suspect I could blow and go aka CSCA from any reasonable depth, once perfected CESAs should be an automatic reflex
I still recall the LA Co motto
"Blow and Go; Flair and you are There !" --
Sam Miller, III
@Marie13 CE - recall what I stressed with you so many moons ago --
~~~~~ A Knight with out his horse must walk
~~~~~~~ A diver with out his equipment must swim