I'd like to say hello & ask a Q

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Texas (east of Dallas in the middle of nowhere)
Hi - my name is Stephanie. I've been open water certified since August. Unfortunately, I haven't been back in the water since (for many reasons) so I'm a real scuba baby. I'm dying to get my feet wet again so my question is....does anyone know what the water temp is out at Clear Springs in Terrell right now? When does it warm up enough for a 3mm wet suit to feel comfortable?


Thanks in advance for your help!!!!
Welcome to the Swamp!

As a guess I would say the water temps are probably in the low to mid 50's right now.

How long before it will be warm enough for you to dive in a 3 mil suit depends largely on your tolerance to the cold.

My personal experience is that for a comfortable dive in 3 mil suit, I prefer water temps no colder than mid to low 70's.

Not sure how long before CSSP warms up, but I'm sure someone will be along to post shortly.
Welcome to the Swamp, Steph.

I haven't dived in Clear Springs yet but most of the lakes are still in the 50's. How fast it warms up depends on the weather but most places usually are warm enough with a wetsuit by the end of April.

Some of the Northern Swampers will be along with some exact answers! :eek:ut:
Welcome Steph!!!

Lessee... CSSP... 3mm...North Texas....Late May. Cave diver said it well. It depends alot on your individual cold tolerance. If you want to track water temps keep an eye on the night time temps.

Best guess on current temps is mid 50's. Ask me the 31st and I'll give you a better idea. Dry suits are wonderful things

Keep in mind. CSSP is deep and has a MAJOR thermalcline. Athens will be comfortable in a 3mm before CSSP will be. Athens gets messed up by wind and rain quicker though.

TexasMike and I are looking at conducting a scuba tune up course soon. It will be either very low cost or free. (you can't get any lower cost than that.) You are welcome to join us once we get the logistics a little better lined out.

Otherwise, welcome to the swamp. Come dive with us!!

Welcome ScubaSteph! I have heard that when the outside air temp begins to warm up and stays constant the water slowly warms up a half a degree a day or so a day. Hope that helps.
Once the weather warms up and the water temps rise, you should have no trouble at all finding people to dive with at CSSP from on here.

Welcome to the board! We look forward to diving with you!

CSSP has a definite thermocline like TwoBit said. It's usually somewhere around 25-30'. Below that it's pretty cold year round. That's why so many of us either went to 5-7mm wetsuits or Drysuits. Gloves & beanies in Texas took me awhile to get used to, but hey you'll be glad you got them if your going to go below 30'.

You can stay above the thermocline if you keep to the vegitation areas along the banks. It's not as wimpy as it sounds. You'll see alot more of the blue gills etc. above 20'.

Still a bit too cold for me, but another couple of weeks and I'll probably hit Athens. It's smaller and shallower than CSSP - about 15-20' average depth.
Haven’t figured out how to attach a link yet, but here is CSSP’s web site.


They show conditions on Feb 24th as 49 degrees and 15 ft. visibility.

Can’t help you on when the water is warm enough for a 3 mil. Keep checking this board and someone will mention the actual conditions, although I would take the word of a dry suit diver with an extra 1-minute safety stop. To them, any water that’s wet is great conditions.

Do I look good in green?
Pull out the ole credic card. Taca has cheap flites to Roatan. Fantasy Island has a cheap package of room, meals and diving. That will get you wet.
Texass once bubbled...
Still a bit too cold for me, but another couple of weeks and I'll probably hit Athens. It's smaller and shallower than CSSP - about 15-20' average depth.

hey Des...let me know when you go to Athens...I might be persuaded to go with you! :)

BTW, Stephanie -- if you live in the Dallas area and take the Dallas Morning News, look for the outdoors page of the Sports Section and check the Solunar Tables. When you find them, look at the water temperature for Lake Tawakoni, and Clear Springs will be pretty similar, since it's only about 15 miles south of Tawakoni.

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