There's a big difference between teaching a course as a solo activity and it being sanctioned as a solo course. I teach all my cave and technical courses as a self sufficient activity. At that level a diver should not be dependent on someone else to get him/her out of a situation. In the self-sufficient diver course I teach self-sufficiency. There's a lot to it, more than I care to post here. When I teach a solo diver course, I require my students to complete my SS course. I don't feel 2 dives is enough to issue a solo card, even at the recreational level. I also issue a solo card, though because not all operations will accept a SS card for solo diving. Frank is the exception, not the rule. And Frank's explanation of the lack of a technical solo class is spot on. It's lawyers and insurance companies. That's also why IANTD named their course SS. They weren't allowed to name it the 4 letter word.