Read my post and read the international standards. It is really NOW 30m, so older certs are 40 or 60m, but if you do 2* now, the 40m can only be reached with a decompression cert.That's clearly an AOW formation...
No, that is not true. In my country, the CMAS certs are iso certified too.Not the case CMAS is recognised everywhere. In Egypt all qualifications must be ISO certified. I don’t think CMAS is.
Here you can find it, it is in Dutch:

NOB-opleidingen voldoen aan internationale eisen - Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond
Twee dagen lang heeft het geduurd. Maar de NOB heeft het felbegeerde certificaat – het EUF-keurmerk binnen. Het Oostenrijkse normbureau, dat het secretariaat van de EUF, voluit de European Underwater […]

And here a list from agencies in Europe (EUF is for agencies that also have met iso standards, but there are some agencies not in EUF and have met iso standards, so the list is not complete):
Non-Profit Distributing Members - EUF

So there is really NO problem to dive with a CMAS cert in Egypt.
Not to recognise cmas is ******** and nobody has to worry about it.
But you there were 'agencies' in the past that used more or less the same logo as cmas, but did not had iso, nor were member of cmas.
And you also have the WRSTC where agencies are in to recognise each other:
I believe the only known agency without iso certification is nowadays gue. They had it for their recreational level 3 as divemaster, but now it is overdue. And then they had to accept others on that level too. Also a rec3 was absolutely not the same as a divemaster level as where the iso was meant for.
I don't know about their iso level on rec1 and 2.
For technical diving there is no iso level.