I would like to hear from overweight female divers...

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If you really want to take the focus off your perceived weight issue just tell them you are DIR then they will hate your for different reasons :D

Too funny I love it. Thanks for the smile

Anyone who is concerned or anxious about diving due to her weight should check out Big Adventures. Trips for larger individuals who don't want to be harrassed about weight is their specialty. Here is their website:


I have never personally been on any of their trips, so I can't personally vouch for them, but I have heard really good things about them.

I apologize if this has been mentioned already....I didn't have time to read all 12 pages of posts to this thread so far.
Anyone who is concerned or anxious about diving due to her weight should check out Big Adventures. Trips for larger individuals who don't want to be harrassed about weight is their specialty. Here is their website:


I have never personally been on any of their trips, so I can't personally vouch for them, but I have heard really good things about them.

I apologize if this has been mentioned already....I didn't have time to read all 12 pages of posts to this thread so far.

I hadnt seen that before. It sounds pretty cool to me. All these years dealing with weight issues and all I had to do was to come to SB to find some support! :)
When I started diving I needed to lose a lot of weight and I was very self concious as I could not find a wet suit that fit etc. I was just too stubborn to give it up and I am very glad I didn't. I quickly became addicted and just cannot seem to stay out of the water. Since I started diving which was just aobut 1.5 years ago I have already logged 145 dives and am a Master Scuba Diver currently working on my Divemaster. In the process I have lost a lot of weight and that has really boosted my self confidence but I am still somewhat overweight. No one ever said anything negative to me about my weight and I cannot imagine anyone rude enough to do so. So, I would not worry about that. Because of my age, some past injuries and the fact that I know I am still somewhat overweight I tend to be very conservative in my diving but that is good to practice reagrdless of your condition. Just go for it, have fun and don't worry what anyone says. I have seen plenty of overweight divers out there both male and female. And lots of people who have no weight problem and smoke constantly, etc.
My two cents on the Henderson Hyperstretch. I bought one and it fit me great and I loved it...at first. However, it broke down really fast and after 1 year is pretty useless for anything except pool work. Both knees have been repaired 2x, the 7ml is at most 5ml now, and the arms and shoulders are down to about 2-3ml as they neoprene broke down. And, I cared for it well, washed in actual wetsuit shapoo & condiotioned after each use, used wet suit hangers, etc, etc. Expensive suit that just did not hold up. I am looking to buying an Excel this spring after I pay for my dry suit (custom made).
Hello, I am also an overweight female diver. I have been diving sence I was 18 am now 50. I have always been suprised that the divers of today are so into finding fault instead of ( like our training ) be helpful and not judgemental. I give you all the credit in the world for not sitting on your duff and enjoying life no matter what size you are. Having said this I would like to say that a skin is all you will need . But the big thing to remember is to be a good diver keep your feet up , don't overweight yourself, take your time and enjoy your trip.
I CAN vouch for Liz's Big Adventures trips. I went on the first trip in 2002 to Maui all the way from NYC. I'd never considered diving before because I was fat. But with Big Advenutures I didn't have to worry about being judged or having to defend myself. Liz is a fantastic trip organizer and now Dive Master and Instructor. She's a great den mother and takes care of so many details that could be overwhelming for a first timer.

I learned to dive and I love it. I traveled with Liz and folks from the Maui Dreams Dive shop that she works with to Fiji this past May. She and I were the only plus size women on the trip and it was totally fine, especially since I knew she had my back.

Yes, being a good diver is the best way to earn anyone's respect. Fiji was a great trip and this Feb my gf is going to be doing her OW on another of Liz's Maui trips. Soon we'll be able to take advantage of some more local warm water diving in Fla or the Carribean.

I've gone diving with an aquatard from Junonia over a pair of their quickwick leggings with no problems. I'm looking into more wetsuits options the more I dive. I wear a size 20-22 and I'm a shortie at 5'3". I definitely concur that having your own gear that's size dependent can be a big relief (weight belt, bc, wetsuit).

Can't wait to get in the water, only 1 2/3 months to go!

Just do it. You've found something you love. Enjoy it.

The worst thing you could do is allow someone else's lack of manners (or, worse, their potential lack of manners) keep you from what you want to do.

As for wetsuits, there are custom suits...a great many people of all sizes turn to these b/c no matter what wetsuits are just hard to fit.
I know its an old thread but it was rehashed today and I read it all!!

Many of you were upset at the way people degrade overweight individuals but proceeded to do exactly the same to "skinny-minnies" or "sticks". Thats just as bad!! I'm just as self conscious in my wetsuit. I'm not overweight, would never comment about someones weight or body type rather it be too much or too little. I don't want to hear about how skinny people have no curves just as a large person doesn't want to hear that their curves are too plentiful. It hurts either way.

Maybe I can't lift all my gear at once over my head or whatever but its not like I strive to be thin. Don't assume a thin person is obsessed with their weight or body either. Comments go both ways. It gets old hearing "Gee why don't you feed her" just as I'm sure it gets old hearing "Gee why don't you stop feeding her".

Personally I don't care if you're 5"6 and 300lbs or 5"6 and 120lbs. DIVE!!

I agree enjoy diving and no comments one way or another on weight. There is plenty to talk about what’s under the water then worrying about what we look like in those skin tight suits.

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