I would like to buy dive gear but dont have enough money too =(

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if been said sorry i went from p1 to p4

what i did i got all my basics mask fins snorkel.

then i got my wetsuit. then i know who has pee ed in my suit :D
also living in ca the ocean is cold so it good to have when i go to the beach or snorkeling.

alot of places have bcd packages so i would save up for one of them.
scuba toys give a discount to scuba-board members also.

a first aid kit is nice to have also and a repair kit even if your renting a repair kit can come in handy.
thank you and i do have a wetsuit

Tommorrow Im going on my certification dive finally!!!
I've been through this recently...

I suggest buying your own BCD first. With your personal BCD, you can fix your trim quickly in a few dives and focus on learning diving skills. My recommendation is to pick a used but well maintained backinflated BCD.

Unfortunately, as a beginner diver, it is very hard to pick a good BCD. Your point of view will change as you do more dives. That's why I recommend buying used and choosing a BCD that is known to perform excellent UNDER water.

Talk to your instructors... Ask experienced divers... Read scubaboard... Monitor craig's list for good deals...
Lehmann - a newbie listened to the words of wisdom! Our work here is done!
You might want to make sure you get the first stage when you pick up a regulator. . . kind of tough to breath with out one. . .
Just looking out for you buddy

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