Some time ago for fun and to add to my lifes experiences I graduated with an A grade average, took honors in the physical fitness competitions and took honors of top shooter in the combat pistol competition at a police academy in SoCal. The more we got screamed at by the tactical officers the more fun I had. I amused myself and class members frequently by using veiled humor to put the tactical officers back on the spot even better then vice versa all without deviating from decorum or rules of conduct, and even they appreciated that cleverness when I got them good. Man, that stuff was funny....I had an absolute blast and have the fondest of memories of the good people there and times.
The year prior, I clearly remember that if you were privileged with female genitalia, by sole virtue of such, you were entitled to be paid at taxpayer expense to engage in physical fitness training at the LA Police Academy prior to applying for police recruit position. Forget if you were a fat, unqualified lard-ass, you got paid for your contempt and laziness in refusing to research the entrance level fitness requirements and be prepared to pass them like males had to.
Now if you were lucky enough to be a race anything other then Caucasian, if you were such a complete and utter idiot totally incapabale of filling out a job application for LAPD recruit, well, at taxpayer expense, you were entitled to free training to teach you how to fill out job applications to secure a position to carry a semi-automatic pistol holding 15 rounds of ammo and a 12 guage shotgun.
In Ventura, I remember the Ventura Fire Department ran ads in the newspapers for entry level firemen positions that came right out and said if you are a Caucasian male, do not apply.
Back to the police academy, we graduated about 62 recruits out of a class of 105 or so. Out of those 62 graduating recruits, about 5 should have been cops as they had the right temperament, restraint, level headedness yet ability to act decisively when the situation arose. One of those happened to be a woman. She was a dimunitive thing, although athletic, and she was exceptionally bright. I always liked that in a woman....What she lacked in brute physical strength, she made up for with superior tactics and quick thinking, which goes to the previous poster who inferred what one lacks in one department can be made up elsewhere.
Another woman who graduated who should not have was hired by Santa Monica P.D. Some Adam Henry scumbag type decided to shoot it out with the cops, so she decides to abandon her partner and all the other backup officers present and run and jump into the passenger side of the patrol car, ball up and attempt to hide in the footwell, all during which the remainder of the fine city employees performed their civic duty by ventilating the perpetrator to save taxpayer funds.
In fairness to even handedness, we had one cretin who claimed he was part of a cypher (encrypted code) protection detail with the Marines and while stationed in Germany, got in a firefight with the largest known communist terrorist organization there during a detail. I found it odd I was aware of the Red Army Faction also known as the Bader-Meinhoff Gang but he wasn't, which was the name of the organization he claims he got into a firefight with. It is something that would not escape me had I been there. That was clue #1. South Gate PD fired him within several months after they found out the only military he had been is was Walter Mitty's Secret Army.
We had one idiot in our class try to rape a female hitchiker halfway through the academy using his academy firearm while he was wearing his PT gear with his last name stenciled on both front and back. Makes you feel all warm, secure and cozy about police I am sure.
Thinking about our resident commercial pilot here, I am aware of a female commercial pilot who was so utterly negligent, she crashed her jet and killed a bunch of passengers. Rather then villifying her like Captain Hazelwood of the Exxon Valdez, her identify was protected, and she was given taxpayer funded grief counseling where HER grief was focused upon as her homicidal negligence was ignore.
For my firm I head up, once I asked the LA Times if I could run an ad that said "Heterosexual Christian Caucasian Males Encouraged to Apply" just as parody of the radical, Caucasian hating, misandristic left.
Perhaps I should ask the ACLU if they can enjoin me in a lawsuit against the NBA because Vietnamese men and women are underepresented....
As to PADI, if society were rid of the BS ticky-tack suits against males and Caucasians for gender and race discrimination, then in my opinion, I think it is good business for a dive certification business to hire races and genders that facilitate them tapping into newer markets ala women. It is smart business, although currently if a Caucasian and or male does that, it is called ugly, sexist, racist discrimination and worthy of a lawsuit against the "good ol boys club".
The best person for the job, regardless of race or gender in my opinion. If that means all Nepalese female Sherpas, so be it.