To advertise for hiring an employee to be an instructor and the requirement for them to be female is a violation of federal law enforced by the misandristic federal Equal Emploiyment Opportunity Commission.
For knowlege enrichment I took 300 hours of formal Swedish massage instruction at a local massage school. All over the hiring boards were ads offering to hire female only massage therapists. But the EEOC seems to be a little less enthusiastic when it comes to prosecuting anyone who is not male and Caucasian.
As an example, if there was a restaurant that only hired Caucasians, the federal government ( I don't capitalize that out of disrepect) would be all over them like flies on crap. But if a noncaucasian business only hired their race to work there, it would be called a Sushi bar, and would be left utterly alone.
I have news for some posters, Caucasians and males worldwide are minorities, and the use of the term "reverse discrimination" means you believe that discrimination by definition only refers to that committed by Caucasians. Discrimination is discrimination, although discrimination is usually not a bad thing. As an example, for dating, I have always discriminated against everyone except Caucasian women. That makes me guilty of both racism and sexism, and proudly so. I discriminate in my tastes in the clothes I wear, in the food I eat, in the style of appointments and decor I select in my home, even in the company I keep. In fact, I am quite a discriminating guy, as I am not indiscriminate.
Julie writes; "Think about it in terms of advertising, What is the most predominant sex of people in advertisments in mens magazines? Female...
What is the predominant sex of people in advertisments in womens magazines? Female... Why is that? Because both Males and Females are affected positively by females and less so by Males..."
Reminds me the other day I was at a magazine rack. Amongst other things there were two sections. One was labeled "men's interests" and it had lots of magazines with photos of women on the front. In the "women's interests" it had lots of magazines with photos of women on the front. It's pathological.
It is pretty sad when women who claim heterosexuality in the U.S are more interested in looking at the bodies of other women then of men. This manifests itself by women who claim heterosexuality in the U.S. almost universally professing that the female body is far more beautiful then the male body. This contrasts signficantly with what European women profess. It is a most sad.
Take Speedos on guys for example and how anyone wearing them would be almost universally derided by U.S based women. It is pretty sad when allegedly heterosexual women in the U.S like mens bodies less then women and less than male homosexuals.
Along the promotion lines, Lt. Kara Hultgreen was a female aviator pilot who was killed flying F-14s off of carriers in 1994. She was more or less martyred by the press and the military for being such a hero, the latter of which is the standard bearer for the radical feminist left. None of the guys wanted to fly with her because she was so dangerous, not because of her gender. The bottom line is she was promoted and put in that Tomcat by virtue of her sex. When the military tried to claim that she had a mechanical malfunction, all the aviators knew otherwise that she was grossly incompetent and was repeatedly promoted over and over while being unqualfied. Proper throttle control was not used by her upon her last deck approach and it resulted in compressor stall and flameout and then she used excessive rudder overcontrol while single-engine, failed to execute proper waveoff procedures, failured to inform the RIO of the emergency, and failed to make a timely decision to eject. Frankly, the feminist upsucking post Tailhook Navy and the US feminist movement are responsible for her death. Here is government footage of the tragic incident that didn't have to happen were it not for feminist hegemonists:
Lt. Paula Coughlin was named woman of the year by the press, the women of Tailhook infamy. She was cannonized by the press for being such a courageous women for alleging sexual misconduct by males. The reality is she was engaged to be married at the time of Tailhook, yet she was organizing and participating in leg and bikini shaving parties for the guys and girls there, and was having sex with other men while there, and she got caught. Just like Tawana Brawley and her racist thug handler Al Shaprton, the coverup of her sexual behaviors was accomplished by the too common sexual abuse defense, and quite sucessfully so. What did she allege she was the victim of? Being "groped". Did she profit from her false claim of such? Yes, to the tune of $5 million dollars in a verdict where it was claimed Hilton Hotels failed to protect her from being "groped". Reminds me of the other day I was in Vegas to do a speaking seminar. It was just as Schwarzenegger was about to get elected and some women came forward, claiming they were groped by him and how they were still scared and frightened by the incident. So here I am at the RA night/dance club at the Luxor Hotel, and this woman walks near me, then turns, walks right up to me, puts her hand right between my legs and squeezes a bit, then smiles and walks away. I was thinking afterwards that I wonder what would happen if I called hotel security, would they kick her out of the hotel? If I called LVPD, would they arrest her and would the DA charge her with sexual battery? If I called a press conference and said I had been groped and ever since, I am frightened and scared, would I be believed? If I got $5 million dollars for every time a women groped me without my consent, gee, you would see 10 times more posts here as I would be retired from working!
As to PADI, I have been told by a LDS owner that the government asked PADI to hand over confidential records of all students who were invovled in rebreather training. No warrants, nothing, yet I was told PADI disclosed such confidential student records without the consent of the students.
As to race, gender and qualifications, I remember during my police academy days there was a race issues training session. A Negro guy was handling the instruction of this portion, and he asked the class if they were a citizen with a police issue, would they prefer to have someone of their own race show up. A buddy of mine in class who was a Negro, who I got along with quite well because we were both mischief makers, raised his hand and attempted to justify wanting a "black" [sic] officer appear, whereas I closed by stating I didn't care what race or gender showed up, as long as they were the most competent person for the job. As an observation, notice how you as a reader didn't cringe when I used the term "Caucasian" 6 times prior but you had a mini-seizure when you read the descriptive "Negro", which like "Caucasian" is a correct anthropological term devoid of political influence or over simplification, to wit,"black" or "white".
I find the female experience quite curious. It is a fascinating dynamic. As one example, I hear some women claiming they are more comfortable having a female doctor giving them a pelvic check. The idea of a male doctor giving me a digital prostate exam or palpitating my gear repulses me. As another example, I know many women are quite worried when they go out alone walking, and express much trepidation. If I am out walking alone, I don't walk with fear, yet as a guy I am 6 times more likely to be the victim of violent crime. I don't see things through gender colored glasses and the mens magazine section that has primarily guys on the covers is the one I avoid unless I want to send an anonymous subscription to a buddy as a prank, because it is called the homosexual magazine section.
I have to give divemistress credit for bringing up this subject since it is a more common female trait to silence or denigrate males who complain of male gender inequity as a means of enforcing and perpetuating the superior power and societal privilege females enjoy.
Plus a robust debate inclusive of my heterodoxic ideology is always fun......