Have you considered the idea that the pendulum has swung? Who is screaming discrimination now?
Now and for a decade or two. I think "Angry White Men" may have been the headline of a Time or Newsweek cover story back in the early-to mid-nineties.
I think that we all see the swing has happened. the problem as i see it is that all this sensitivity and eeo stuff was supposed to place the pendulem in the center to provide equality and oppertunity for all who are qualified. it has only changed who is on first and what is on second. at least before there were qualilfication issues that upheld the practice. now qualification does not matter... only where and how many cups you are wearing.
our training films do not show white males in supervisor positions only as the subserviant stupid employee. and women are in the wonder woman roles. . in the reverse practice it is not allowed. a ballance of the two version's is acceptable. occcupationally sponcered demeaning of employee demography's is supposed to be stopped. this is what is supposed to be elliminated. buy the way in my occupation it is women that hold the national level positions for the creation of the training films. their very casting in the films discredit the training value of equality. news casters are women, displayed positions of authority are women. and worst yet promotion worthiness at the upper levels are based on success in minority positioning over "angry white men".
angry white men, may very well apply. its too bad that the so many no longer trust the trojen horse offered by the embrace diversity croud. i would much rather be labeled "angry white men" "than statistic token". which by the way as i said before. in my occupation promotions are AA and family based except for those critical positions that if failed would make a token/family member look bad to the cause.
several years ago some organizational down sizing occurred which resulted in the repalcement of 14 senior manager's. untill then the tokens that held those positions were protected by higher up tokens. once the higher up token position was eliminated. the rest were unprotected and dissmissed based on thier inability to improve performance records to meet minimum standards. not thier demography. those who slacked because of no motivation to do better because of token preference, were also among the fireings. if the tokens had to maintain the same standards as the non tokens the cancer would not have spread to 14 dismissals. be all you can be or be as little as you can and get the same pay? i doubt that this is unique to my feild. the 80-90's had so much cash that business could afford to hire anyone and use it for EO publicity. now the bucks have dried up the dead wood has been cast out and only the best have remained. even with that the great movement leaders have made that into a conspiracy to hold various groups down.
the moving of the pendulem does not make angry white men, the politics that govern the PREDETERMINED resting place does. if you reverse roles and its position is unsat, then its not PLACED right. IS THAT NOT WHAT HAS BEEN PUSHED IN THE WORK PLACE. OR IS THAT REAL EQUAL OPPERTUNITY CONCEPTS. PREFERENCE OVER PROCESS CURES NOTHING..IT ONLY MUTATES THE INFECTIONAND BREEDS MORE DISTRUSTAND LACK OF SUPPORT.
those who cry victom the loudest if given the chance will become an agressor that exceed's any level of injustice to date. full pendulum swing is wrong, whether right or left. AND IF EVERY SWING BECOMES LARGER INSTEAD OF SMALLER THEN WE HAVE LEARNED NOTHING AND ALL ARE DESTINED FOR GOING DOWN THE SAME TOILET. ONLY THE BRAND OF BUT WIPE HAS CHANGED.