Just got home looked at my computer shows 1st dive 24BT 93 max depth shows and 2nd dive 25bt max depth 101.
I'm also a newer diver and I have made a few dives on wrecks in the Keys (not the Vandenburg, but other similar ones). So I've been comparing your dives to some of mine. I also noticed that several people made comments to the effect of "Well, with that profile, I can see why it might have happened."
So, I would really like to know a few more details, if you are able to get them.
Here are a few questions that come to mind:
[Edit: Iztok pointed out below that had made a mistake, so I have re-worded my question for clarity]
1) You say "bottom time." I have noticed that my computer counts "dive time," which is the entire dive from getting wet to re-surfacing. Is your computer counting the way mine does? (Or are you figuring bottom-time out by subtracting manually?)
2) Can you see anything about your ascent profile? Were there any "quick" sections? Pardon me if you mentioned this and I forgot by now, but did you make a deep stop? Any other stops besides the 15' "safety stop"?
Unless I am understanding something wrong (which is very possible), these dives don't look that different from some I have made on wrecks in the Keys, so naturally I'm interested to know if I'm "on the edge" without realizing it.
(I do understand that people vary in their susceptibility to DCS, but OTOH a few people mentioned that your dive profiles did look a bit "risky," so that's why I'm wanting to understand more.)
Thank you for starting this thread, and for continuing to update it.
Blue Sparkle