Rainer:Thanks. Seeing as I did the class at the tech standards, I'm pretty sure I know what was needed. My complaint is against moving the focus away from standards, which were clearly designed to get students ready for safe diving and future courses. Sure, wanting to aspire to greater standards is wonderful, but it MUST be tempered with gaining experience. It's clear some students are missing that. That's ALL I'm pointing ouit. Got it?
The standards are pretty well defined and are laid out on day one. If an instructor is deviating from the standards then it’s an instructor deciding that he will interpret the standards as he sees fit. I would think that this should be addressed to GUE directly by the students of that class.
The course is tempered to gaining experience. My rec pass tells me I need to go do some practice dives with the local DIR crowd and practice ascent/descent drills, iron out the wrinkles in my S and V drills, and work on dive planning and over all team awareness.
Whereas the guy that got a tech pass in the class is deemed ready by Steve White to move on to a Tech 1 or Cave 1 class if he so chooses.
Im sorry, I guess I don't really understand the point you are trying to make.