Which is one reason why the glock and AR get so much exercise, some oil and bang bang bang.
My brother has a CVA in-line and I've been with him a few times while he's messing with it. If he doesn't clean it after every other shot the thing misfires. Some of the great white hunters (I think he said Jim shockey, whoever that is) claim they go 100 rounds without cleaning using white hots. All greek to me but my bro is either doing something terribly wrong or they are full of ****.
I was not a fan of pyrodex, and preferred shooting with traditional black powder, but black powder is very corrosive and requires extensive cleaning at the end of the day. I do know that the Hawkins could be shot all day without cleaning it once, and it would not misfire, but when you were done you had a long dirty cleaning job ahead of you.
I have never owned one of the newer, inline muzzle loaders, so I can not speak about them. I had one old single shot CVA 50 Cal kit pistol, the Hawkins from a kit, and the new copy of the old Navy revolver, but as I said none of them have been fired in 20 years or so.
And of course, the token gun image: