I have a Dumb Question re: Octos

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.......... I will say, you won't find that kind of equipment on any diver who does any serious diving, however.

Guess I've just been scewing around all this time. :D
The pros and cons of the air2 have been discussed ad nauseum here and elsewhere. Yes Stacy, it's your safe second. I will say, you won't find that kind of equipment on any diver who does any serious diving, however.

Do enlighten us.:eyebrow:
The pros and cons of the air2 have been discussed ad nauseum here and elsewhere. Yes Stacy, it's your safe second. I will say, you won't find that kind of equipment on any diver who does any serious diving, however.

Kindly define serious diving for us.

While we are discussing Air2 lets examine what it primary purpose is. It is a second breathing regulator, and it’s designed for use in an emergency. Is it a perfect regulator? No but who really cares? If I had to share my primary, the dive is over and we are going up. How long will I have to be bothered with it, 5 or 6 minutes (assuming a safety stop).

The bashing of Air 2 and promotion of a bungeed octo is kind of like going to McDonalds. It may not be very good for you but it will solve an immediate problem.

I have to agree with the guys about the dumb question in that the only dumb question is one not asked. I dive myself with whats called a sherwood shadow (Sounds about like what you are refering to as a second air) and have had no problems at all. In fact I have practiced quiet a lot switching between primary and secondary air just to make sure I could use it to percision.

Im going to Key Largo myself but I think you will be gone before I get there. I arrive on the 16 but im sure youll have a blast there from all the research.

Good luck and if you have more questions by all means ask. Thats what all of us are here for. to assure safety by sharing knowledge in a sport we love!
Oh and Randy just an FYI I do a lot of diving. I got 95+ dives done in 4 months and I use it on every dive :)
lol ... this is funny.
just for the record ... if you look at ALL of my posts to this thread ... i NEVER said the AIR2 was a BAD idea, as a matter of fact, i said it is similar to having your octo on a necklace in the way that you will be donating your primary. i also never eluded to MOST people using a neckalce and long hose, i simply said many of us ... NOT MOST.

i do beilieve it is easier to control your BC with a separate hose rather than the same one you are breathing off of, but once again (MY OPINION).

i tried to keep it amicable and to the point but someone always tried to play the "MY WAY IS THE BEST" game. ...

almost like all the people who dive DIN over YOKE ... i happen to dive DIN ... does that mean YOKES SUCK???
no ...

i dive a necklaced octo, does air2 suck?


but i will say that some arguments are dumb ... like "if its so bad, why do all the manufactures make one" .... um .... DUH!!! ... good one McCain
Does an Air2 have enough capacity to get you to the surface from a dive from around 110 feet like on the Speigle Grove including stops at 50, 30 and 15 feet? If not it's useless except on shallow reef dives.

Not only does an Air II have the capacity to do this, so does an Atomic SS1 and a Zeagle Octo Z. I've personally experimented with all of these from 150+ feet. No, they are not on the level of my Poseidons, but they do the job. A person properly trained and practiced using any of these units should have no problems at any of the recreational diving depths.
Safe Diving,
lol ... this is funny.
just for the record ... if you look at ALL of my posts to this thread ... i NEVER said the AIR2 was a BAD idea, as a matter of fact, i said it is similar to having your octo on a necklace in the way that you will be donating your primary. i also never eluded to MOST people using a neckalce and long hose, i simply said many of us ... NOT MOST.

i do beilieve it is easier to control your BC with a separate hose rather than the same one you are breathing off of, but once again (MY OPINION).

i tried to keep it amicable and to the point but someone always tried to play the "MY WAY IS THE BEST" game. ...

almost like all the people who dive DIN over YOKE ... i happen to dive DIN ... does that mean YOKES SUCK???
no ...

i dive a necklaced octo, does air2 suck?


but i will say that some arguments are dumb ... like "if its so bad, why do all the manufactures make one" .... um .... DUH!!! ... good one McCain

I am confused by your reply. The only one I see getting negative replies is Randy, not you. Your posts made good sense, and I don't see anyone even replying to them.
Kindly define serious diving for us.

While we are discussing Air2 lets examine what it primary purpose is. It is a second breathing regulator, and it’s designed for use in an emergency. Is it a perfect regulator? No but who really cares? If I had to share my primary, the dive is over and we are going up. How long will I have to be bothered with it, 5 or 6 minutes (assuming a safety stop).

The bashing of Air 2 and promotion of a bungeed octo is kind of like going to McDonalds. It may not be very good for you but it will solve an immediate problem.

They are a bad idea

I said it will work but it's not the best proposal. It's just one more thing to mess with when the chips are down which adds one more thing to the spiral of panic.

The fact of people having them along for the dive doesn't make them good things.

We can all cite many products on the market that are bad design and should never have been brought to market. Anyone remember the Chevy Covair? How about the Ford Pinto with exploding gas tanks? Then there are the Firestone Tires recalled. Thirteen million were recalled if I recall correctly. Just because something is on the market, and people were duped into buying them doesn't mean they are a good thing.

It's been discussed to death in other threads. I'm done talking about this POS hoopty thing. If the you want to use it, I don't care.

oh ok ... lol
thanks for clearing me up ...

i do want to thieve this thread for a spell however and ask the users of the air2s a question ...
it seems like most of you say it "can work" but than follow it up with something like (but not as good as my poseidons) ...

so here is my question ... do you recommend them for a new diver who is only beginning to get a grasp on ascents?

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