I Hate 2 Strokes

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Tom Winters:
Since I don't have easy access to napalm anymore, I have to settle for loving the smell of unburned hydrocarbons in my giant 250 2-strokes in the morning.
4-strokes are too quiet and the lack of exhaust will cause every single owner to keep restarting his/her engine and go through several starters per year. All that smoke pouring out of my engines when I start 'em up tells me they are alive and happy and repelling every mosquito for 18 square miles.

The only thing that could possibly be better, is if they also shot FIRE out of the exhaust! :light: :D
even my fleet of two stroke snow machines that I use for running over tree hugging bunny lovers.

:lol: Fourstrokes are nice but with motorcycles, notably motocross, they had to double the size of the engines to equal the HP output of a two stroke. There are no 125cc anymore. It's called Supercross Lights and they're all 250cc four strokes. Same in the "250" class. They're all 450cc four strokes now. So which one pollutes more? Beats the hell out of me but I do love the smell of synthetic oil in the morning....that's why I stuck with a two stroke E-TEC.
Ive had the same question about cars. Is it better to smog the heck out of them and burn more fuel or let them run a little dirty but burning much less fuel?????? I had a diesel Rabbit when I was young, 55 mpg and it would bark the tires in third gear, now the diesel Vdubs get 40ish and have much less preformance.
In my big boat I run a pair of two stroke diesel Jimmys, talk about noise.....
Ive had the same question about cars. Is it better to smog the heck out of them and burn more fuel or let them run a little dirty but burning much less fuel?????? I had a diesel Rabbit when I was young, 55 mpg and it would bark the tires in third gear,.....
I'm calling BS on this post the only way you got rubber in a diesel VW in 3rd gear is if you stood on the brakes at 50mph.
I'm calling BS on this post the only way you got rubber in a diesel VW in 3rd gear is if you stood on the brakes at 50mph.

He forgot to tell you he bored and stroked it, had a 411 rear end and turbo...
Im telling you it would do it. Kind of had to wind it up and dump the clutch ( I was 16, what the heck) but it would in fact do it. Tons of torque in that litle car. Never happen with the heavely smoged new cars.
yikes...testosterone poisoning, at it's finest. I knew I liked you for a reason WC.

"It ain't braggin' if you can do it'
The only thing that could possibly be better, is if they also shot FIRE out of the exhaust! :light: :D
Yes, the flame thing would be pretty cool but since fiberglass is a petrochemical-based compound, even I know better than to do this. There are guys in Miami who do have boats that shoot flames, but they also do 90mph. If the boat blows up, hey, they'll just buy another one.
When I was a kid, I took my mom's VW Beetle while they were on a trip and put a huge extractor exhaust it. There was no packing in it as it was kinda geared up for racing.
I used to try to make the car fly - I read somewhere that it turned into a wing at around 95mph, and flying a car sure sounded like fun.
There was a brand-new unpatrolled highway in Connecticut that I used for a launch pad, but the road was too smooth to give me a liftoff at 100mph, which was pretty good for an old unmodified Bug.
One truly AWESOME side effect of that giant exhaust was that by accelerating and then immediately backing off the throttle, there was the backfire of death, complete with a 3'-long fireblast.
This was unreal driving through urban areas - I bet I caused more than a few people to spontaneously relieve themselves. I sure never did that around any police though. At night, my side mirror would light up like day when the engine boomed.
After a week, I had to take the thing off since after two hours of driving, I was pretty much deafened from the engine noise and the explosions.
That exhaust got disappeared one day while I was out of the house. When they find Jimmy Hoffa, I bet my exhaust won't be too far away.

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