Nick, no need to be an ass here. i'm not referring to you here. it just seems that at times a lot of people who've only taken fundies suddenly become experts and jump up and talk about decompression theory. I hear rumors that Michael Lang gave a great lecture at the last GUE conference, that specifically addressed computers and recreational diving. I have not yet read the transcripts, but I think I know a little bit about his philosophy.
I'm not trying to be an ass (and aren't personal insults against the TOS, don't worry, I will choose not to take it personally
I agree with you (well in this manner

but i will take it further. I don't feel qualified to teach anyone about decompression. I can only relate what seems to work for me, and the people I dive with.
if we really wanted to find out how aggressive or not we were, I guess we would have to all go out and bend ourselves then back off somewhat.
What I am trying to do is offer some points to think about for divers, not any kind of solution (hard & fast or not)
There are many many ways as you say to make deco work.
For instance, how many tens of thousands of recreational dives are made here in SoCal, the vast majority probably following a computer of some kind?
And how many people end up in the chamber (very very few)
I'm not trying to be cavalier, but I dont think there is enough data, and it may not be practically possible to even gather that data that shows us how aggressive or not we really are (especially given that that may change person to person or day to day)