No, I don't have fiber internet to my house. The satellite is long gone and replaced by a second DSL account. I have four DSL lines coming in and they are load balanced in as well as out. The biggest problem with Florida and electronics is lightening. I have the internet coming into the house ans so to distribute it throughout the 'campus', I opted for fiber which is not a lightening magnet as opposed to copper, which is. Before ScubaBoard, I was a rather successful Network consultant. So while I might live at the end of the digital dirt road, I have an data infrastructure that I can be proud of.Fiber direct to your house? I bet you can't wait to get rid of that satellite dish. What kind of upload and download speed to you expect to get on Ethernet?

In other news, I have avoided a cat-ass-trophy by installing a cat door. We have assisted both Ma~ and Mischka through it into the house, but Mishka was flummoxed at how to get out.