That was my first ever print job. I converted my backpack sprayer to use the Ryobi 18V batteries.@The Chairman since you have your 3d printer dialed in. You can print an adapter for your Ryobi batteries, and put a step down transformer on there with a cigarette plug. Obviously easier if you have cig outlets on the tractors themselves, but if you ever wanted to have that convenience, it's a cheap little project and not a bad one to have in general for 12v things.

Today, I set out in earnest to build a shelf for the gas cans. I had the epiphany to simply over-design this and use PT2x12s as the shelves. I needed 4 planks, so I was off to the hardware store by seven, to discovered that they don't open on Saturday until 8. Rats. I was there 45 minutes early. I didn't want to go back home, so I popped on over to Little River to see if it's going to open today. Rats #2. Still flooded.

Dutifully inspired, I went back to Ace, picked up the planks along with 6 PT4x4x10s so I can continue building the pump enclosure.
At home, I cut the blanks into precisely 4ft long shelves, cut 11pieces of 2x3x10" end supports, laid out the remaining 8ft plank with end supports and took it all over to the ag-shed. Assembly was mostly uveventful except... except that I hadn't noticed that the 4x4 support post I was incorporating into my design wasn't straight. No, not by even a long shot. So, I just made sure everything was level and as square as I could make it. I think it came out just fine. The tanks are already in place, and I only have to decide what else belongs on those shelves.