I finally bought a house in Cave Country! W00T!!!

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Depending on your property appraiser, they may require a certain number of trees per acre to get the ag exemption. We planted 6000 trees, cedars and pines, on and around 20 acres to get ours.
Depending on your property appraiser, they may require a certain number of trees per acre to get the ag exemption. We planted 6000 trees, cedars and pines, on and around 20 acres to get ours.
Ah, this is seen as more of a Christmas Tree farm. I can't go nearly as dense. The Ag guy seemed pretty confident that I met the minimum with 100 trees.
Hooray! With the planting of another 25 trees yesterday, I have finished planting Eastern Red Cedars on the property. I gave the rest to my neighbor who wants to plant them by the road. That's a total of 89 trees, mostly planted by me. My daughter planted 7 or 8 and I did the rest. I moved a lot of that Hercules Club from the fenceline and my hands really, really hurt from all the thorns. I had to dig 6 out last night and today. There's one left, but it's deep. I might have to use the chop saw to go after that one. :D :D :D BTW, I've had a few people wonder if they can donate a tree of their choice to the property here. Sure, as long as it's not pine. We are a designated pine-free zone. Plan on planting it too! :D

The weekend after this (March 9, 10 & 11, 2018) is my Workshop Roofing Weekend. Bring a drill gun, your favorite tape measure and come for a day, two or all three. Don't worry if you don't have tools either, but bring what you can. The roofing has been ordered and will be here Wednesday. Please RSVP here: Workshop Roofing Weekend

I don't have any rooms left, but I do have floors and couches.
What gets you up in the morning? For many, they have an enduring passion, kids to raise or a raison d'etra that gets them moving. Me? I have two hooligans by the name of Ma~ (Matilde) and Silt who won't let me sleep past seven. If I try, they will always start to tussle with each other on my feet. No, you can't get upset with these cutie furbabies gently trying to get me up so I can feed their butts.

For me it's a golden retriever named Bella. If I sleep past 6:00 am she counter surfs on the bed, "Hey dad, I gotta go pee"!


  • Bella_PP7.jpg
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Sadly, Silt has been missing since Saturday. I miss my itty bitty shitty kitty. So does Ma~.

In great news, though, my daughter @Frosty moved in this past week with her black kitten, Eden. She's helped me accomplish a lot more like putting up a fan and an entertainment center. Ma~ thinks that it's just a place for her to hang.


I haven't heard from everyone yet, but it looks like a good little crew will be here Saturday am to help with the roof. The materials are here and the wind is supposed to die down today. @Moose will be coming in tonight and the three of us will start the process of removing the roof in the morning. I'm hoping to get Chelsea painting the underside of the plywood today if the wind would let up a bit, er a lot. It makes more sense to do it now than when it's up!


Steel and plywood, ready to roll!​

We still have room if you want to join us. @Moose will be cooking and he's no slouch. Bring a screw gun, an extension ladder or scaffolding and a sense of humor! That includes you @cerich!
Very sorry to hear that. It is one of the reasons I am very pro-indoors only with cats. If they wander off they stress you the hell out worrying.

On a lighter note, the greatest thing I learned from this thread is French cleats. I had never heard of them, now I can't stop finding reasons to use them. I absolutely love them.
Very sorry to hear that. It is one of the reasons I am very pro-indoors only with cats. If they wander off they stress you the hell out worrying.
We're not sure what exactly happened. There was a couch that she soiled so completely, I just had to get rid of it. There was a hole in the bottom of the couch that she sometimes crawled into. However, she had gotten so big that getting under the couch was nigh to impossible. So, we put the couch on its side and I slit the hole front to rear to see if she had gotten in there. It was clear, so I walked around to the door, which we never use (no steps), and I was on the outside while my daughter was on the inside. Sometime during this, I believe she snuck into the couch. We loaded the couch, brought it to the dump and we haven't seen her since. We went to the dump that night, calling her name and shaking her food container. I went back the following morning and walked the perimeter doing the same and I went inside the facility to where the couch still was, but to no avail. Lots of stray cats there, but no Silt. A huge bummer. If only I had checked the couch once more after I had it loaded.
Hope our Chairman finds his good kitty.

We have always had outdoor cats and dogs.

No sleeping with animals for us.

Let them be free and live naturally is our preference

I know there are many who like their pets under their sheets.
Keep cats indoors with litter boxes etc.

Whatever your preference pets are good and trusted companions.
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