I finally bought a house in Cave Country! W00T!!!

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One more thing... my water has the "bends". I don't think I've mentioned this before, but my water comes out quite cloudy and then it clears up. Literally. You see, there is an air pocket in my reservoir tank by the pump. The high pressure my pump puts out allows that air to dissolve into the water. When I draw a glass of water, the bubble form immediately, making it look cloudy as crap. Give it a couple of minutes and it clears right up... from the bottom to the top as the bubbles coalesce and rise. Here's a pic:

That looks like clear Guinness!
I couldn't move stuff around yet, so I installed the tow hitch and trailer light adapter on the Kia Niro.


Earlier, I caught this spooky image of Ma~ heading into the morning mist to hunt.

On a lighter note, I have a couple of videos of Silt learning about the outside and Ma~. Silt's not so sure it's a good idea yet. She's certain that dinosaurs are still roaming the property and any little noise will make her scoot into the house as quickly as her silty butt will carry her.



  • FNAIlHP8JYwNU4ldd4IPMAEgXKidygc6-scRQxXrqqS1TPYngGl4ObUkQDL66b1TekfvRmG2iqzvtP5cW8=w1143-h858-no.jpg
    112.1 KB · Views: 51
hey Pete, hey Stupid cat, hey favorite moderator, place is looking gooooood! very cool hope to be round inDecember . ill swing by n check it out!
You're always welcome!!!

I finally got in a dive at Troy Springs with a friend. Beautiful! It was cool to see the paddle wheeler wreck from the civil war still at the mouth. I can't believe how solid that wood feels. Absolutely cool and amazing. It might become my new swimming hole.

I am moving along with the work shop, albeit a bit more slowly than I would like. I found really nice looking 1x4x8 PT wood at Home Depot. Fairly straight, nice sharp edges and the color is great. I rip them down to 1.625 for the upper and lower trim and do a 45 degree split for the corners. I am then staining them with Thompson Water Seal in a clear cedar. I've got about a third done yesterday and ran out of wood. Dan brought a nail gun, which was more frustrating than useful. I think we got six nails out of it, so I used a plain ol' hammer and finish nails. I spent a good part of the afternoon just tidying up and organizing the port side. I'm sure I'll have to move things around as I find out what works and what doesn't, but I like what I see. We picked up more 1x4x8s yesterday and I will rip/stain them this morning to install this afternoon. It takes about two hours for them to dry to the touch. Here's a picture of the port side of the shop. You can see the trim on the top of the wall. I really, really like the look.



Dan, the fire bug! He's cleaning up the fire ring area.
I'll post a pic of his progress so far tonight. It looks great!​
Oh yeah, I took off the side door, and will be making it "work" correctly. I'll be adding a threshold and making it so the door closes easily rather than drag on the upper left, close the gap on the top of the door, add sealing gaskets and a stop strip as most of those are gone1. I've already sanded it down, cut out the chewed up window parts and will have to decide how I'm going to install a glass pane into it. I'll probably just paint it white, but I've thought about painting it black and adding a small sign "I saw a red door". :D :D :D
One of the things I still can't get my head around, about N FL, is the fact that burn piles are fairly standard. I LOVE being freed from an HOA and only needing to worry about county regulations.

Pete I am going to be setting up garage soon, might have come by for some ideas!!

Nice to see you on here too @jblack - looking forward to diving soon!
I LOVE being freed from an HOA and only needing to worry about county regulations.
I think Suwanee county is the least regulated county in the world. That's especially true when compared with Monroe County, where I used to live. I can build as many outbuildings as I want with no permit required here. That might change in a year or two, but that's OK. Monroe wants to inspect tiny little sheds and they want to regulate Conexes too.

OK, as I promised, I took a picture of the fire ring as it sits right now. Look at the stairs on my home... do you see a problem? I guess that's why we never, ever use that door. :D :D D:



The rest of the trim has been ripped and stained. I'm going into town and get what I need to make a cover for the outside of the fan when it's cold outside as well as to make a holder for the 48" wide roll of craft paper I'm using to protect the top of the assembly table. The shelves to the right should be gone by the end of the day. My space is beginning to open up to how I like it.

The next big project will be to start the cabinets on the starboard side of the shop, install the new Bosch Miter saw and make a countertop that will be the same height as the table saw and assembly table. Of course, I still have to finish the closing up of the shop. There's still too much moisture and battling rust is starting to take more time than I want. I'll have to deal with sealing the two big barn doors, finish the side door and seal the tin roof. Getting them to simply stay closed was a big step, but there are huge gaps that need to be sealed.
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