Having had some DIR guy tell my 16 year old son, on his first boat dive after OW that he was going to die (his word, not mine) because he and I wer diving incorrectly, didn't have enough training, and were wearing inadequate gear, frankly has firmly set my view of DIR divers.
I've had other experiences with the DIR crowd around here, and while none was as bad as that - to a person they have been condescending, dismissive and flat out rude as they clearly are so much better than anyone else.
But given the ratio, I'm pretty sure being a jerk is either a requirement for certification or at least a normal bi-product of being part of that community.
I am sorry you had such negative experiences - After comments like that - I'd probably be prejudice too (But I'll assure you not all DIR divers are jerks - I've been lucky to only meet helpful ,friendly ones

For a true evaluation of something’s worth, I think its important to investigate beyond initial impressions & personalities that offend. Have you read any of the DIR books, watched the training DVD's, or really seen these divers in action underwater? Have you tried diving in the recommended DIR gear configuration, or noticed their impressive focus on predive checks/underwater safety/team work?
I have! And I am convinced that the dark-side-Kool-Aid cult reputation is a hoax. From what I have learned so far, in actuality this training system is perhaps the best available in the SCUBA world. Who can complain about a training system that liberates the ambitious diver into greater, safer, underwater fun, while providing access to exceptional partners?
I can't wait to start classes!
Enough of the hi-jack!
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