I can only say that I've had the exact opposite experience. I've met nothing but nice people willing to chat, help, explain without judgement - as long as I showed an interest in learning and improving.
Besides, GUE and other similar agencies seem to be working very hard to "distance" themselves from both the term DIR as well as the DIR zealots.
It is interesting though, how even in a generally "congratulatory" thread like this, some can't resist the urge to dig out the old grudges. Maybe it's time to let it go? I for one don't allow people I dislike to have that kind of power over me. Just a thought :shrug:
Whether "Right" or "Wrong"have fun and be safe in your diving.
Henrik - You know this cause I discussed it with you.
I resisted posting about the fundies class initially or mentioning that I even took fundies but friends knew I took the class and at their urging of not keeping my experience in the closet, I posted. I realized that by not posting about the class, it would appear I was ashamed or embarrassed about being associated with GUE, and that is clearly not the case.
I honestly do not understand the animosity and it may just be my naive newbie experience in the diving community. I do not enjoy heated confrontations so I do not participate and I avoid discussions of politics and religion for this very reason.