Curious if some of you have experienced what I seem to be experiencing and it's only been short of a week since I did Fundies. I'm sure it stems from the large readership/lurkers in this thread and residual from past GUE chest thumpers. Some non-GUE trained buddies of mine either called or PMed to see if I'd still dive with them. I am shocked cause they are good divers and I have no qualms about diving with them even though they may not be GUE trained. With the exception of two buddies, all my pre-Fundies buddies are not GUE trained.
It struck me as odd as I do not believe I've changed other than being more comfortable in the water and more comfortable with my skills. I'm not perfect just much more comfortable than I was pre-Fundies. I had to reassure them that nothing has changed other than I'm more comfortable with my skills in the water.
One PM me that he and I are fine as long as I do not proselytize, so I had to Google proselytize to see what it meant.
1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith
2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause
I told him that I had to Google the definition and that I have never done
that and will not start to do
that so he and I are good. Another told me that I'm the new poster child for the new improved friendlier GUE....

yeah, NOT!
So have any of you noticed a change in those around you post-Fundies?