Originally posted by Big James
You say that people who are not DIR believe in nothing.
Careful James, I've insulted enough people without widening the swath.

I said ANTI-DIR people believe in nothing. People who are not DIR cover a whole spectrum, and I carefully worded my statement not to include them.
Originally posted by Big James
They believe that their is more then one way to do things correctly, and safely.
Please note that anti-DIR folks accuse DIR folks of saying many things they don't. And sooner or later most folks think that DIR folks actually said stuff they didnt, its what the anti folks say that they said (did that make sense?). DIR folks do NOT say You'll die without a DIR setup or recreational equipment will kill you. Though we get accused of saying it so much that people actually think we say it.
We need go no further than your misquote of You say that people who are not DIR believe in nothing to see a mild example of this.
So, for the record: Recreational equipment is not dangerous. Bungee wings will not kill you outright. DIR is safer, but that does not make standard recreational gear unsafe. A five-point harness in your car would be safer, but the standard three point is adequate. You would be safer in a five point, though. Good analogy for DIR is a five-point harness.
Originally posted by Big James
They believe that you do not have to mimmick every move made by one person, simply because they say it is right.
None of true DIR is mimicry, everything has a reason. If I ask what 3+3 is everyone will say 6 (base 7 on up for you computer weenies

). Thats not mimicry, thats a result of a common set of rules and rational thought. Same with DIR. Which wrist do you wear your compass on? The one that you dont hold the scooter with so the motor magnets dont interfere with it. Dont scooter? Might as well put it on the right wrist now so you dont have to change in the future if and when you do. You bet its a nit, but if it helps with the endgame, so much the better.
NetDoc, in one of his many pokes at DIR a couple months ago said something along the lines of If George said to jump on one foot before a dive, everyone would. Typical hyperbole, because George doesnt say anything that doesnt make sense. His delivery may suck, but theres information in there, and good information at that.
Take it or leave it, but at least consider it. If you get huffy over his delivery and ignore the message, its your loss, sorry, I cant change George.
Originally posted by Big James
Your comment about leading a horse to water, but not making him think is a good one. One might also say, that you can lead a horse to water, then make him drink the kool-aid.
Ah the cult reference. Not cute, not original, not funny. Typical though.
Originally posted by Big James
You comment about the insults, but you have thrown some out yourself. What have they accomplished? Nothing.
This is where folks like Lost Yooper and others are a better men than I. After answering the same questions for literally years, hearing the same insults for years, receiving the same pokes for years (I think this is about the third time Ive seen a kool-aid reference) sometimes I lose it.
I cant imagine what its like for George, whos been doing this for years longer than I have. Does it excuse either Georges or my behavior? No, but it does explain it.
Take a look at what happened in this particular case (please refer back to verify what Im saying is accurate). Someone asked about instructors. I posted a pretty bland pointer to the GUE web page and made a positive comment about two of their instructors. Next thing I know Ive got people hammering about GOOEY and how theyre considering NSS-CDS because theyre pretty free of egos. And somehow the resulting flurry of debate is my fault. Yhea, right. Sorry I didn't roll over and play dead at that point.
Originally posted by Big James
I am neither DIR, or anti-DIR. I believe the DIR system to be a very effective system, and incorporate almost all of its gear configurations into my diving. However, I do not believe it is the be all end all of diving.
Any step towards DIR is a step in the right direction. That makes you a DIR success story weather you like it or not.