I could do that!

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HB Diver

Reaction score
Orange Co., Calif.
Well, okay, not yet! But I'll give it a try.

Another Oly rookie here. Posted @ intros, but came overhere to say Hello as well.

C770 & Oly housing (might get FL20 flash/housing), 2-256meg cards, 2 batteries, 2x telephoto (for land).

Just practicing in the yard (bugs, birds, flowers, and patient dog) to get used to the settings/controls. Might post a few macro shots for critiquing in relation to settings, composition, etc.

I know most have already traded up from this model, but I'll shoot more stuff topside throughout the year than I will UW, so should last for a few seasons.
Welcome to ScubaBoard and to the money pit that is underwater photography! There's always one more toy or one more dive trip to go on!

Practicing on land is one of the most useful things you can do to get ready for your dives - you photos will be immeasureably better for it! Hope you're practicing in the housing, too!

Look forward to your pictures!
Yeah, I used the housing for @ 1.5 hrs today. I'm glad I'm not using film! Would have spent over $200 on developing practice shots!

I did a quick search, but no results on the effects of chlorine on housing/o-ring. Not frequently; just going to Vegas & was going to use in the pool just to check. Also going to ask my neighbor to let me use his pool. Any thoughts/concerns?
Pools are a GREAT tool. Just rinse your camera afterward and all will be fine. Take a few items that sink to the bottom to practise on. Something with words (laminated paper) and weighted works well for practising focus is good help. Have fun and WELCOME!!!
The key for salt or chlorine is rinse rinse rinse. Give it a good soak (the whole housing, sealed)...I use warm water to soak where possible and then follow with another good spray rinse. You want to get all the ookies off. That is a technical term ;)

I rinse my housing with or without camera...depends on how lazy I am feeling. if you rinse without,you'll need a weight or something to hold it under properly as most float when empty if you don't have the weight attached (I don't).

Pool practice is great! And the writing is a good way to check your focus. Also take some three D objects down so you can have a look at your depth of field with different settings. Try flipping the camera upside down if you are using internal flash - you can control your light and remove a lot of the beam from hitting blue water...this will reduce backscatter. It takes a little practice to get the light not to look evil - but the opportunities it can create on the reef are well worth the time!

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