I am Tired of being A "Solo Diver"

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when I saw your "help, I can't get up..." it reminded me of my poor canary, Milliard, that died upside down in a shot glass.

Grizly discovery when I came home..guess he leaned over to drink and fell in head first, feet in the air.
I have never gotten over it.
Poor thing. This actually happened to my upstairs neighbor a couple of weeks ago. She fell and broke her hip and was lying on the dining room floor for 3 hours. Luckily I woke up around 6:15 am on a Sunday morning to use the bathroom and I heard a faint noise. At first I thought it was a cat outside, or else a child. I stood in my livingroom to see if I would hear it again, and then figured out that it was someone calling for help. I opened my door and called up to her from the hallway to see if it was her. She still isn't home yet from rehab or where ever she went after surgery.
ugh...right around the corner for us, Fairy.
Well, while I will likely never catch up in posting or what-have-you, with this post I've made it all the way to a 4-star Senior Member at 500 posts. I guess I'm still green enough to enjoy the little things. :D
:bandsmlz: :sblogo: :wave-smil :knob:

better find some methadone.
ugh...right around the corner for us, Fairy.
Nope. Not me. I'm working out, staying fit, taking my calcium, etc. This woman is not that old. She is only around 64 or so. But she was a smoker. Had lung cancer and went through chemo. then got brain cancer. Then started smoking again. I think when you go through chemo, it affects your bones. Anyway, I hope I don't get cancer.
How can I change my label on my Avatar? oh...and somebody needs to make me red any day now, so that I can get the full value of my 39.99!

whoa...ok...cool...I thought this thread was about something else...based on ur subject of course. :14:

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