I just bought of a set of HP100 doubles (used) and am wondering about people's experiences with them w.r.t. trim and buoyancy. I normally dive with a HP80 single with a SS BP wearing 5lbs on the upper cam band and 10 on a belt. I'm wondering where I should start out in trying to get the trim figured out with the doubles.
According to the specs I found, the HP80 is -2.5 empty and the HP100s are -1.3lbs empty. So, if I figure correctly, with just the doubles and backplate, that is something like 8.5lbs negative not counting the manifold and the bands (for which I don't have a good guess) which leaves something like 15lbs left to distribute (is this alot? I would have expected to have to use less lead with doubles...).
Should I expect these to be head-heavy? Also, what is the DIR perspective on using weight belts with doubles (yes, I know this isn't in the DIR sub-forum since my main question is about the doubles themselves)? Is that kosher or is it frowned upon? It seems like people go to great lengths to move weight to places other than the belt, and I'm wondering if there is a reason for it.
According to the specs I found, the HP80 is -2.5 empty and the HP100s are -1.3lbs empty. So, if I figure correctly, with just the doubles and backplate, that is something like 8.5lbs negative not counting the manifold and the bands (for which I don't have a good guess) which leaves something like 15lbs left to distribute (is this alot? I would have expected to have to use less lead with doubles...).
Should I expect these to be head-heavy? Also, what is the DIR perspective on using weight belts with doubles (yes, I know this isn't in the DIR sub-forum since my main question is about the doubles themselves)? Is that kosher or is it frowned upon? It seems like people go to great lengths to move weight to places other than the belt, and I'm wondering if there is a reason for it.