As for purpose, my initial question is "Who cares?" Why does it matter if the entire mass of female divers may tend to have characteristics that may or may not be marginally better or worse than the entire mass of male divers? That is an important question, because it suggests that for some reason the person proposing the study cares. That strongly suggests someone out to prove something, and someone out to prove something has the potential to bring a whole lot of bias into the study. That bias can play out in the entire study, from the original setup to data collecting techniques to observational bias. For example, the setup includes a determination of what characteristics make for a better diver and the degree to which each characteristic is ranked. If you want to see what I mean, start a thread in Basic Scuba and ask people to rank the most important characteristics of good divers and assign them ranking points. See what kind of consensus you get. Someone who subconsciously wants a study to turn out a certain way will, without intending to, select criteria skewed to make it turn out that way.
Thal gave an example of possible methodological problems, including observational bias. I cannot imagine how any study could be designed that could control for all factors through its methodology.
Some of you may remember the Hite Report on female sexuality. It made a big splash and is still referenced despite the fact that the methodology of the study was so poor that it is commonly used in college research classes as an example of how to get meaningless results.
I leave by repeating this thought: who cares? What difference can this possibly make one way or the other? If it matters to you, please explain why.
Well, I care or I wouldn't have read this post. It is not that it matters one way or the other, simply that opening someone's mind to change or improving one's self. Surely as a teacher, you would see this
This was a great topic to start that opened up thoughts from both sexes.
The reason why this post mattered to me and I took the time to click on it and read the 7 pages of posts was that my dive buddy is my husband 98% of the time. We learned together and dive together. Why would I not want to see if I could do something to make me a better dive or better dive buddy?
After reading the article features, it made me stop and reflect about my pros and cons and also my husband's.
My husband is a GEM. He is the gear guy. He is the master provider with the lobsters, he is the cleaning guy. He is better at buoyancy control at most times and wears less weight than me. He is however an air hog. When he is lobstering and expending energy he blows through even more air than I do.
I am a great swimmer and go through WAY less air than he does. But I suck at lobstering...still. I am however good at bringing a beer after a dive or making lunch. I am great at identifying my fish friends.
So, in the end I cared about this post enough to read it to see if I could do anything to better myself.
I leave you with this thought...
You have heard of Sir Isaac Newton I am sure being an educator. Well we all know about that story. Apple fell on his head and..
"Now came Newton's truly brilliant insight: if the force of gravity reaches to the top of the highest tree, might it not reach even further; in particular, might it not reach all the way to the orbit of the Moon! Then, the orbit of the Moon about the Earth could be a consequence of the gravitational force, because the acceleration due to gravity could change the velocity of the Moon in just such a way that it followed an orbit around the earth. "
This one article was the beginning of some higher thoughts and ideas that are now accepted in the scientific world. If he had not speculated and done some initial research, we may not have the knowledge we have now. Not all science makes sense, it all starts with a hypothesis. From wikipedia...
"In modern use, "science" more often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, not only the knowledge itself"
So, to the post starter, thanks for starting. The views here opened my eyes to new things.