I need to check the itinerary. I think that I'll only have a few hours there, so a day trip is out. Is Lover's cove snorkel only? Also how are water temps? I have a 7mm suit but if I could just bring half of it that would be a lot better luggage wise.
Lover's Cove is snorkle only.
Activities :: scuba & snorkeling
The only diving is the dive park or off a boat outside of the harbor.
For snorkling a 7 mil is over kill. Water is probably around 70 deg on the surface and 56 to 60 at 60' to 70'. The 7 mil will be perfect for a deep dive. Wear a hood and gloves and you wil be toasty warm. :14:
Call a cab as soon as you have your stuff ready on dry land. It,s a fair walk to Casino Point and it is directely opposite the main landing for all the commercial boats and cruse ship launches. I never timed it but I would say it's a good five minutes to walk with a dive bag, making no stops.
Good luck, and enjoy.
Check back with us if you make the dive.

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