From what I have heard (never delt with it personally), you might want to be carefull checking a pelican case through San Juan - I have heard it referred to many times as the baggage theft capital of the world. A checked pelican screams, "I have expensive stuff in me", with "regular luggage" one has no idea if it is dirty underwear or expensive camera gear, that is why I always take my regs/camera/computer with me as carry one.Thanks to everyone for their input and insight. I'm planning to check my pelican case with housing, port and strobe since it is so well protected. I usually carry on my camera and computer with a Tamron backpack carrier that holds all of that gear. My second carryon is a double regulator bag that has room for my point and shoot housing and a book.
We'll each have a check dive equipment bag and then one large rolling duffel with clothers, etc.
but just my 2 psi's worth