If your getting into tech diving, the first thing you should do is go out and get yourself a credit card that gives you airline miles. Pay it off every month but by the time your done buying all your gear, doubles, paying for training, closed circuit rebreathers (maybe that was just me), and gas fills you'll have earned enough miles to take a good tech trip.
That said, my suggestion would be to look for instructors in your area and what their equipment requirements are. That will guide your future equipment purchases while you gain experiance. It sucks to buy a wazoo wireless air-integrated computer if your going to be diving DIR and could have bought 2 bottom timers for half the wazoo computer.
Take a nitrox course. DM isn't a bad class to take to gain more experiance in the water. The best situation is if one of the tech instructors would be willing to mentor you, give you suggestions, and let you know when they think your ready for tech.
Don't be in a rush to get deep too soon.