Hi divebrasil, I dove with Explorer Ventures T&C two years ago and I have similar setup to yours.
- Like many others pointed out, don't worry about soft or hard luggage. Use what works best for you. They'll put your luggage away before heading out.
- Don't bring two wetsuits. 3mm will work fine for most people. If you get cold easily then add the hooded vest. That will give you the most flexible setup. If you get cold easily, then 4mm + hooded vest
- On EV T&C, the wetsuits are hanging above the vent where hot air coming out so after an hour, it's dry enough to put in on again (not completely dry though)
- My fins, BCD, wetsuit are in my check-in luggage. We put in 2 sets for my wife and I and it was under 50lbs. If you go by yourself, it should be under 50lbs easily. You can put the rest of your clothes in there.
- My regs, dive computer, and mask are in 20in carry-on luggage. There was a still a bit of room so we put 1 set of clothes for each of us just in case our flight was delayed or our luggage was lost. If you still have room, this is a good place to put batteries since you can't check in li-ion batteries anymore. If you have more room, you can put your laptop there.
- My underwater camera and my wife's GoPro are in my backpack. My laptop went to a pocket of my backpack. For your reference, my camera is Sony NEX-5N with 10Bar housing. I have 1 strobe and 1 focus light. My wife has 1 light for her GoPro. Everything including batteries and chargers fit in my backpack.
This is the review for my trip,
Hope this helps.