Old post, so hopefully you've resolved the issues but for the folks that have the same question:I just got some si-techs today and those gloves randy showed sure look the same.. I got the extra large which fit my fingers length wise-- but seem to be a bit big width/volume wise.. Anyone know if the large have the same finger length that the xl has-- just less hand volume?
The 495 are made with wider fingers to accommodate the liners; the Atlas 660 (blue) are made by the same company but have narrower fingers, suitable for the very thin liners, like silk, Thermastat or THERMAX liners.
As far as the glove's material thickness:
The Atlas 620 (orange) are supposedly "double dipped" instead of the blue's "triple dipped", & are supposed to be thinner & a little more flexible. They otherwise have the same dimensions.
I could never tell a lot of difference myself but we're talking just a few thousandths in thickness & I don't measure to that range every day so I could miss a hair's breadth in thickness when just eyeballing.
As far as finger length & width:
Doing a side-by comparison of the 495s between XL & L, the XL fingers appear to be maybe 1/4" longer & a tiny bit wider, but that was measured through the packaging. You probably won't pick up much 'relief' by going with a size smaller.
The difference between 660 & 495 is considerable, to the point where I'd recommend jumping to the next size larger if going from 495 to 660 (or 620).
The "liner-less" 660/620 are barely $4/pr so if/when they don't hack it for diving, they at least make good gardening or even BBQ gloves. (the "Froggies" make outstanding BBQ gloves!!!)

... and for the guys wanting the "ringless" drygloves, how about a DIY?
$4 gloves + $24 pr of "ebay special" bellows cuffs + a little AquaSeal (or PB-300) = drygloves for under $30.
Heck of a ways from $100+!!!