LG - The essence of DIR is team diving, which underpins the use of standard gear and standard gas mixes. RB pressure, or BTW what GUE now calls "Minimum Gas," is gas reserved for the other members of the team in the event one of them has an OOG emergency. It's their gas. The so-called "experienced DIR diver" in the scenario you described who insists on using his lower Minimum Gas number (presumably in order to extend the BT of the dive) is foolishly allowing his gas in your tanks to drop below the amount needed so that you can both safely ascend to the surface if he has an OOG emergency. Minimum Gas is non-negotiable. It is what it is for each diver and to protect the interests of each team member, the diver with the highest Minimum Gas must be used as the team's Minimum Gas and the basis for determining the team's Turn Pressure. You should never give into peer pressure to fudge your Minimum Gas. I'd rather be safe than have a couple of minutes added to the BT. This is a "rock bottom" safety issue. If you did that on a dive with me, I'd never have you on my team again.
Next time you confront a diver not inclined to limit the dive based on Minimum Gas, ask him at what minimum pressure should the team begin its ascent so that on the surface the divers have 500psi or whatever sort of PADI, recreational rule he's using.