In your post you mentioned a rush to take off your hood and neck seal. Any chance you were experiencing carotid squeeze from a tight neck seal? Was neck seal stretched and trimmed properly? Walking from your car to the water with the weight of the tank and strap/harness pressure can exacerbate restricting adequate blood flow to your head.
I did not stretch the neck before wearing the suit because I was afraid that it would become too loose and would not seal properly anymore. I understand that it is normal for a new neck seal to be tighter causing some discomfort in your neck blood vessels. When I tried at home my buddy told that my vessels looked constricted and I had a funny voice. Back on the beach with the weight of the gear I felt that my chest, neck and head were trapped inside a straitjacket and I began to think that I could not breath properly. I tried to relax but I couldn't, I guess some anxiety must have creeped in and that's why I hastily took the stuff off. As far as I can tell I may have had a carotid squeeze...