How thick of a suit for Cozumel ?

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Friday, and All I dove in during the day, was a pair of shorts. I am 5' 10 and 220 pounds. Granted I have a little insulation. My wife also dove in nothing more than a swim suit. Everyone else dove in 1 mil wetsuits. I suggest bringing a shorty for any night dives, but try diving au natural in the day hours.

It's really a very comfortable way to go down....
We just got back from cozumel on Tuesday 6/24. and my boyfriend and I both dove with a bathing suit and a rash guard, we did 3 dives a day and never cold. I was weary about diving without gloves, I'm used to diving in cold water with everything but my face covered with at least 5mm of neoprene. But if you don't like things touching your skin that's an even better reason to wear a shortie and no gloves, it will keep you honest and preven to you from touching and bumping into things that are hazardous to you and you hazarous to it. I found myself being extra careful with my buyoncy control so i wouldn't touch anything. If you're worried about jellies, I'd reccomend Safe Sea, it worked for us. Have fun on your trip!
Hi. What's Safe Sea and where do you get it? I've never encountered any jellies before. We're off to Cozumel in a few weeks.
I think that you're being confused unnecessarily about jellyfish. I suspect that what is being referred to are the "sea Lice" infestations that can occur during season. Luckily for you, your trip is outside of that season, which is March to July, peaking in April & May. Outside of this, Coz does not have a jellyfish problem.

You can read about the condition and its prevention & treatment by searching our board archives. Here's one such post--->

As regards, Sea Safe, you can read about & order it here---->

Concerning what you need in the way of thermal protection, such comfort is rather idiosyncratic. To put it in perspective, below is a piece, in part, from my June '00 "Ask RSD" column in "Rodale's Scuba Diving":

"Have you ever been out on the street in the spring or fall and noticed people wearing everything from shorts & T-shirts to full coats with hats & scarves, all apparently in comfort? Well, things are no different underwater. This comfort is highly variable among individuals depending on such factors as percentage of body fat, age & tolerance to thermal discomfort. Other determinants, like how many dives a day over how many days you are planning, are also important. When you ask "What wetsuit should I wear?, you'll get answers ranging all the way from "just a bathing suit" through "5 mm full."

The question is better asked: "What water temps can I anticipate at my destination?" You'll receive a pretty accurate answer to this, and then can decide what's best for you based on your personal thermal comfort needs.

It's always a good idea to come thermally prepared, just in case."

That having been said, expect Coz water temps in July of ~82 degrees plus/minus a degree. Personally, if was doing multiple dives over multiple days at that temp, I'd take a 3mm full. If you get a bit too warm during a dive, you can always let some water into the suit. Much harder to warm up. Whatever you decide, make sure that you at least wear a full dive skin. As others have mentioned, it's good environmental protection.

Have a great time.


I live near Austin and dive in a microprene; for me, it's fine for South Florida or the Caribbean anytime from May to November.

Three weeks ago I found the thermocline at 40' in Lake Travis (that's in Texas y'all) too cold (~70') for my liking.

In retrospect, if I had the money, I would have purchased a 3mm hyperstretch (my wife's suit) and a 5/3 hyperstretch hood. I guess that's your option #3.

Although I am a new diver, I have heard that sea lice season is most intense from Mother's Day to Father's Day. I know my wife experienced discomfort during our vacation in South Florida mid-May. The stings were annoying and produced a rash, but she was fine after a few days.

Just dove Cozumel last week, it was 82-83 degrees and a .5mm full SP wetsuit was perfect. As a point of reference I stopped using my 3mm suit when the water got into the mid-70's.
I goofed and grabbed my wife's 5mm goldcore (which she uasually wears in the San Marcos) instead of her 3mm (she doesn't like to be cold) for a trip to Cozumel last week. She loved it. I wear a .5 mil and its fine.
Go with the 3/2 full suit. You probably won't need that much protection in Coz but you'll have more use for it stateside.
Thanks for everyone's feedback.

I ended up buying a full 3mm Henderson. If I get hot I'll just let some water in the suit.

I also purchased a 2 Piece 6.5 MM Akona To dive hear in Texas.

Like AlanConstant said it can get chilli sometimes here.

I'll be leaving on the 07/07/03 and will be there for 7 days. Will post a report when I get back.


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