How thick of a suit for Cozumel ?

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San Antonio, Texas
From what I hear water temperatures in Cozumel is ~ 80 degrees therefore it seems I shouldn't need a very thick wetsuit but I live in Texas and water temperature here in the lakes is ~ 65 - 72 degrees and wanted to buy a suit that I could reuse here in Texas.

I don't like shorties since I hate the feeling of something touching my skin :rolleyes:

I dove with a 5MM wetsuit (No Hood) in 72 degree water and thought it was just right.

So far I'm thinking of:

1) Buy a 1MM Full WetSuit for Cozumel and use it in Texas with a 6.5MM Jacket.

2) Buy A 2 Piece Akona 6.5 MM WetSuit and just use the Jacket in Cozumel (Although I feel I will be very hot).

3) Buy a 3MM Full WetSuit for Cozumel and use a hood for Texas.

4) Don't be a wuss and get a 3MM shortie with some gloves :D


I always dive with a Henderson Microprene which is a .5-1ml. Works great. Use it more for protection than warmth as water temp is plenty warm. Have a great trip.
I go with the 3 mm full suit. It is possible to get slightly hypothermic in 80 degrees water temp after multiple dives. Not only that, you will have protection from fire coral, etc..

If you get a bit warm just pull on your collar and let some water in.

Have a great trip.
Go with the full 3mm. A buddy of mine dived a 3mm shorty in Coz last Feb and ended up with nasty fire coral 'burns' on his lower leg. Also, forget the gloves. You won't need them and some operators won't let you wear them...or at least strongly discourage you from wearing them...fearing an increased likelihood that you will grab hold of the coral.

You could probably dive in trunks or a shortie and be OK in CZM.
However, I would recomend the 3 mil full body suit. It will protect you from coral burns or jellyfish stings. I use a 2.5 mil full body suit in CZM.

My wetsuit purchases were a 2.5 mil full body and a 2.5 mil shortie sized to go over the full body suit. This gives me more core protectoin in colder water. I also have a hood for spring, fall, and winter diving in Texas and gloves for winter diving in Texas

In Texas, alot if not all of your diving will be in spring fed quarries and lakes. Water temps at some of these sites can get down to 40 and 50 degrees depending on how deep you go and what time of year and where you dive. Cold water is refreshing if you are diving in July, but not so if you're diving in the fall, winter or spring (and trust me, if you really get the SCUBA bug, you'll want to dive these seasons to shake off the diver's withdrawal).

I like my setup because it's versitile. The only drawback is that if I'm diving, say, Clear Springs in November, it still gets a bit cold after about 30 minutes or so...forget January diving!

As far as gloves in CZM? No. The DMs sometimes won't allow them because in the marine reserves (like Chankanab), the Mexican government won't allow them....and you know what they say about Mexican jails?!.. :wink:
I wear a full 3mm henderson gold core in Coz-it works for me,because you'll be diving multiple days so at least be comfortable.No gloves allowed except on the C53 wreck as far as I know,you won't need em anyway.Have a great time and dive safe!!!!!


SCUBA STEVE :mean: ::mean:
The water can vary quite a bit, anywhere from mid 70's to mid to high 80's. I've been there in December when the water was 79 and it was cool enough that I ended up putting on a shortie after a couple of dives.

Normally, summer through fall the the water is very warm. It was 84 last November and all I wore was a t shirt. I am going next week and expect it to be + or (-) a degree of 85 and am only taking a lyca top for exposure.
I dive, always, in a 7mil Henderson Gold Core full 1 piece suit. I am happy as a clam in it. Although the locals always give me a hard time about it.
Meanwhile, my boyfriend is in his swim trunks & bc. I bought him a 3 mil shorty, for Puerto Vallarta. Water temp is colder there.

Unless you are chilled easily, go thinner. You can always add a vest etc... for your local diving. I think option #3 - the 3 mil full suit would be a good choice. Your skin is covered, it's middle of the road thickness & you can add hood, glovesand/or a vest as needed - f/ other dive locations.
I use a 3/2 full Bare Velocity and it was perfect for both multiple dives and cenote dives. I also use DivegearUSA rashguard shirt & dive shorts. Worked great.
I used a 3 mil full suit Velocity in Coz and Thailand last month. It was perfect for the conditions at both places (about 82 in Coz and 86 in Thai). Althogh I wore only trunks on a couple of dives, I would not last more than about 2 dives before getting chilled.

Have fun!!

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