Guy Alcala
Personally I would not recommend using those tanks for doubles, since, as you pointed out, they are heavy. A lot of people have trouble with doubles making them head-heavy, and if the doubles are relatively light (buoyancy-wise), then you have the freedom to move weight around on v-weights, weight belts, etc. to the appropriate position on your body. If you start out with heavy tanks, then all of that weight is fixed on the tanks, and you don't have that freedom to balance things out. There are a lot of other tank options in the same size range but that are less negative.
Also, since you mentioned it, you probably don't need to worry about 2 to 3 stage bottles in this calculation, as any dive (locally) where you have that many bottles, you will almost certainly have (a lot of) helium in your backgas. So you will have more weight from the stage bottles, but less weight on your back.
I dive both Faber LP85s and PST HP120s with a 40 pound Halcyon evolve wing. The heaviest configuration that I dive is LP85s (over)filled with nitrox and a stage bottle of nitrox. This is a bit heavy with the 40 pound wing, and feels a little uncomfortable on the surface for a long swim in big water. But I find it adequate. The HP120s always have mix in them, so it's not an issue with them, even with bottles.
Yeah, Allison, doubling the Asahis is a matter of Hobson's choice; If I want to take fundies in doubles, it's them or nothing. I'd never _choose_ them for doubles for the reasons you give, although they're nice single tanks. I'm looking to buy myself some used PSTs/Worthingtons/Fabers when I can, but it's not happening before Fundies ~ June.
Guy, we can probably loan you some tanks for your class if needed. I also have a couple of different doubles wings that you can borrow.
Those Asahi's are just too heavy for doubling up. For single tank diving they're great. Not so much for doubles though.
See above for my agreement re the tanks, and if someone's willing to loan/rent me some PSTs, Worthingtons or Faber 85s and an appropriate wing, that would be great! The Asahis are my Last Hope option if nothing else is available, as I do want to take the class in doubles. Oh, and if anyone's willing to risk a can light on me, loan/rent of one will also be much appreciated, because that too is currently out of reach. Naturally, any repair or replacement will be paid for by moi; eating is so over-rated!
A bigger wing is never the solution to being over weighted. Changing / swapping components like plates and cylinders is.
Being over weighted multiplies the problems associated with any buoyancy failure.
Minimum ballast = the buoyancy of your exposure suit at your shallow stop with empty tanks.
If your empty cylinders + back plate + regs + bands and manifold + can light exceed this value you need different gear. Not what you wanted to hear perhaps, but still the best approach.
BTW massively negative cylinders will limit your choices in *where* you mount your ballast, and that can make horizontal trim more difficult to achieve.
Good Luck
Tobin, my calcs were derived from your posts on the subject. Currently my DS/undergarment runs +18, but I'm going to use more insulation for Fundies so will be up in the +22-24 lb. range, which is exactly the empty gear weight I'm looking at: -24 lb. The problem is that I lack any excess to move trim weight around.
My thanks to all,