How much does gas cost in your neck of the woods?

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Ft Myers is approximately 1.93 for 87, 2.09 for 93 octane. Consider this though, in FL there is a 30.9 cents per gallon tax on gas.

I've personally been looking at ridding myself of my little Ranger and getting something more gas fun.. like a VW Thing.
Over here in New England, we're roughly at $1.93 - $2+ for 89 octane. And estimates are saying that we'll gain about 10 cents a gallon by the time Memorial Day rolls around. And never mind what dairy prices are doing! Looks like I'm switching to biking to work and pouring water on my cereal this summer.
Cheapest in the Seattle area right now is about $2.09 for 87 octane ... and it ranges up to about $2.29. Most expensive I've seen is $2.78 for 92 octane.

Man, I'm glad I'm not driving an Urban Assault Vehicle these days ... :eyebrow:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
We are paying the highest in the nation..(2.45)but after hearing about europes prices I feel a little better..? :11:
DA Aquamaster:
Then of course there are the seasonal price increases that the oil companies attirbute to production shortages due to maintence of refineries and conversion to summer blends.

Prices are around $2.07 per gallon here in Northern Mich.

Like it or not, refineries do have something to do with cost increases. Getting the crude here is only a small part of the problem. Refining it is a big part of the end cost.

Refineries are being shut down in the US and not replaced. No one wants a refinery in their back yard and emission control requirements are making it tougher and costlier to refine crude into gasoline. I know the oil companies and distributors will use any excuse to raise prices but this is a valid one IMO.

Clean air is great but it does not come without a cost.

I'm still trying to figure out why they haven't perfected the "Mr Fusion" yet so we don't have to worry about gas anymore. It seemed to work so well in the Back to the Future movies. :eyebrow:
I'm still trying to figure out why they haven't perfected the "Mr Fusion" yet so we don't have to worry about gas anymore. It seemed to work so well in the Back to the Future movies.

Boogie711 and I have been having a debate about global warming... (oh dear)

Biodiesel is the way forward with fuel. But, you're right fusion power would solve many problems. However, electric is not that good a fuel for automobiles, so you would need to split water into hydrogen then pressurize it then distribute it.
By then it would cost more than petrol/gasoline/diesel/biofuel.

Enjoy your ridiculously low prices - we're paying for you. (Please therefore only use your SUV to go diving and I will forgive you!!).

I live in Mexico and gas comes free with the refried beans.

Gasolina is 5.3 pesos per litre, which is $1.77 pre gallon
I suppose our gas prices aren't that bad, in comparison to some. Right now 87 octane is about $2.13 per gallon.

However, I am the fortunate owner of a Costco card . . . and can get my gas at $1.91.

I can still remember when I lived in Texas years ago and the gas was $0.99 per gallon. :11:
Dammit, America should just invade Iraq and solve this problem.


They did that already and it didnt work???

well, there is always Kuwait and Saudi Arabia I guess.


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