How much does gas cost in your neck of the woods?

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Venezuela subsidizes gas to it's citizens. They produce a ton of crude! We are @ $1.70- $1.90 for 87 octo. Get near Disney and the resorts and it climbs dramatically (go figure).
I filled up on Saturday (5/8) for $1.819/gal, but the current price is $1.999 or $2.009 depending on the station. There was a teaser spot for the local news that showed a station's signage with $2.009 and I thought they were forcasting higher prices for the summer. I didn't realize it was a live shot!

Hmm... those gas/electric hybrids that get over 50mpg are looking better all the time!

Here - almost 4US$ per gallon!!!!! 95 octan led-free.
In Egypt it's...... 0,56US$ per gallon.
Somebody was talking about moving south?
I paid $2.13 per gallon in Billions MT the other day which I thought was interesting given the Exon refinery located in Billings. We are several hundred miles away and the price is hovering around $2.00 here for 87 octane.

I realize oil is selling for $40 per barrel but why exactly is the price so high? I mean oil cost $40 per barrel just before the first little war in the gulf and we were not paying that much then. If you correct that for inflation, that $40 per barrel in 1991 would be equal to $56 per barrel today and we are no where that price.

It's also funny that even though it takes 4 months for oil to move from the gulf to your pump, that the gas price jumps imediately when the price of crude increases.

Then of course there are the seasonal price increases that the oil companies attirbute to production shortages due to maintence of refineries and conversion to summer blends.

Just exactly how many ways are there to screw us at the pumps?

I realize that we still pay a lot less than most other countries, but then again in the western part of the US we have no real options other than to drive due to low population density and the problemns that imposes for public transit systems. Many of those countries would easily fit inside several of our larger states. A drive across Montana for example is equal to the distance from New York to Chicago.
Welcome to the real world USA....

Petrol is about Euro 1.2 a liter here in Italy.

Gas - a EAN32 12 liter fill is Euro 6.00.

Have a nice day.

In Holland it's 1.28 per litre at the moment. About $6.40 U.S. per gallon.

Asheville, NC - $1.91/gal regular unleaded.
Landrum, SC - $1.74/gal regular unleaded.

Guess where I buy gas when I can. I guess I won't be taking the boat out much this year. It uses super-unleaded only, which is probably $2.19/gal+ near the lakes. This sucks but it is worse over-seas.
we are one of the cheapest places in the States so for that i feel lucky. i paid $1.69 last Saturday. yesterday at the same station i saw it was $1.74.

DA Aquamaster:
Just exactly how many ways are there to screw us at the pumps?

As many as they can get away with!

I always said that reducing fuel usage was merely a function of pricing, and that CAFE was useless except for politicians to use as an "I am reducing fuel usage!" scam.

I already cancelled one trip to Florida last month, and this past trip I went slower which raised my fuel economy from 27 to 32 mpg, resulting in a net reduction in fuel usage of 8 gallons for this trip, and 45 gallons for the first trip. We simply need to tell OPEC that they can't raise the prices and still expect us to use gas. We also need to ensure that gas taxes are percentage based so that a 25% increase in crude price will result in a 25% increase at the pumps. Then OPEC can't raise prices so easily.

BTW: VA, SC, GA: $1.75-1.85
FL: $1.95-2.05
NC: $1.83-1.95
Saw this thread and assumed it was how much air costs for diving !

Then i realised "gas" is what americans call Gasoline which is what the rest of planet earth call "Petrol". Damn americans :)

Petrol here is roughly 81p/litre (set to rise further in next few months).

Going by exchange rate thats roughly $5.80usd per US gallon.

Diesel is slightly more expensive.

Thats one reason "gas-guzzler" cars arent popular here - i get roughly 55-60 miles per imperial gallon which is roughly 50 miles per US gallon out of mine.

Driving near 500 or more miles per week its needed.
It's about $3.50 US per gallon in Grand Cayman for 89 octane. Can't seem to get 87 octane on this island.

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