... I know that "it's a joke" feeling very well and can relate to what you are saying. I served in the British Army for 23 years, and perhaps saw more than my fair share of 'trauma' in that time.
Like a lot of my colleagues who were also trained to, 'Para-medic' equivalent I suppose, we were given a real time baptism of fire in Northern Ireland, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), the Falklands, and the Gulf war to name a few.
I realise that there are Instructors in the Diving world who have been fortunate to quickly rise to the dizzy heights and teach First Aid to other divers and Instructors (and good luck to them), without having been through real life Emergencies or Tragedy's, but when I hear some of the 'straight from the manual', dogmatic 'teachings' from one or two blinkered individuals who believe there is only one way to do something, and that is 'by the book'........
.... well it makes me smile, but as not to hurt anyones feelings I never laugh out loud. I can't help but wonder though how they would react 'by the book' in a real trauma situation?
I much appreciate that it is necessary to teach First Aid and Rescue techniques to all divers but I think it is also essential that the instructor does some prior research on the background of their captive audience before they start preaching to the point of embarrassment.
"Quietly confident"