How many of 13,000?

How many dives did you make in the past month?

  • none

    Votes: 9 4.5%
  • 1-5

    Votes: 55 27.5%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 56 28.0%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 26 13.0%
  • more than 16

    Votes: 54 27.0%

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19 in July but there's still tomorrow's mid-week dive day to go. As Tony said, the rains have kept us drier than normal this month.

I have made it out to our local spot here in the Dallas area (CSSP - Clear Springs Scuba Park) every weekend. The past two weekend I have camped out on Friday and did evening and night dives. Will be there tomorrow and probably this weekend as well. Doing all I can do to get wet:D
Did 10 dives this past weekend, 13 the weekend before, 11 the weekend before that. Usually do 10-20 dives/week in summer. Less during winter unless I'm in the tropics.

Dr. Bill
I was on a liveaboard, in the Coral Sea, and on the GBR, we also were in Hawaii (Big Island), and Maui. I guess that would be over 20 somewhere? I quit keeping a log book, I lost interest after 400 + hours, now I just say near 6-700 somewhere:D
Dive Safe,
I have to consider myself lucky...went on a liveaboard trip and it jacked my ratio up tremendously this month.
just starting my dive shop (quit former employer) so spending a lot of time with buying gear, working on the website, paperwork, yelling at my girlfriend (just kidding) etc. We haven't really "opened" but she & I both have former customers/friends etc and we've worked them in around our office work stuff. (She gets to sit in the office & try to pick out which font out of 87 jillion is best for our signs, etc while I go watch schools of barracuda...that's why I'm the boss! :D
You all make me jealous:(
Being land locked I don't get to dive near enough. @ trips a year to the tropics is all I get. Don't really have any desire to lake dive hear in OKlahoma.

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