How Many Florida Divers Are On Here?

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pipedope once bubbled... I am more of a California diver living in Florida.:D
... except that I'd probably find those islands off Mexico & kelp beds off Avalon less interesting now than the reefs here. 'Course my blood thinned amazingly fast - only been here a year (this time lol).

Marvel has been here 12 or 13 years... so two FL divers here.
I have been trying to get a "little black book" together of dive buddies so that when I am up for a dive, I have people to call. There is a cool site, but not as active as this one called Ediver.
here, when you register, it has a member address book which gives all information that you want to make available like email, city, state, or phone numbers. It's great to organize the list by area and see who is in your region.
If anyone is interested,...

Remembering the solace diving provided after 9-11, the peace and serenity of diving the cave at Ginnie and leaving the surface world's problems behind.
we are two divers from the UK but now we consider ourselves as Florida divers!!!!
Tampa to be specific, although most diving I do takes place onthe other coast.
I'm West Virginia born, Kansas raised and now wreaking havoc on the east coast in Jacksonville!! Man, what a ride!
Add me to the list. This is the second time I've live here, the first time was back in 1993 and I came back in 1998 the second time.

I'm in Port Charlotte (Charlotte County) live near ReefGuy even though we never seem to get our schedules to match. How 'bout it ReefGuy are you going to the Latest, Greatest and nearly Famous Wendy Excursion. I'm thinking of going only on the 26th for the boat dive. I know you have told me that you do a day trip over there often, we could maybe go over together.


By the way how was the keys last weekend?
Knavey and Cindy!
Honestly, the keys sucked. I got paired with a buddy who made me break my MOD, got entangled, ran down to 750 psi at 110' at turn around of dive, then bolted to the surface. I came home a day early :upset: Guess that's what I get for panicing and pulling out of the springs get together:rolleyes:

I hope to make this one, but can't commit yet. I did, however, find a reliable babysitter, so after I find out how it's gonna work out, I hope I'm in.:)

How far away from this is from Lake Worth? My Aunt and Uncle live there, and if it's close enough, I might impose for the weekend=-) . Their youngest is a diver, so if I can go, I'm gonna try to drag him out there too.

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