How is the diving in Hawaii?

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New York City
Given the cheap airfare and beautiful beaches scuba diving in Hawaii seems like a no brainer, but I just got back from doing my OW certification in Cozumel, Mexico. I'm a little worried that with its prolific marine life Cozumel may have ruined diving for me everywhere except at top destinations like SE Asia, Australia, Red Sea, etc.

For anyone who has gone diving in Hawaii what is your opinion of it? How does it compare to good dive spots in the Caribbean?
While I enjoyed the diving there, I did not find the coral or fish near the quality as the Caribbean. I don't think the beaches there are what you expect either.
There are parts of Kona, Maui, and Lanai'i that offer excellent diving and while I'm not as keen on Oahu (sorry), the wrecks there are pretty cool. Shore diving is genreally good and readily available, there are lots of endemic species, as well as the manta dive in Kona, and whale songs during parts of the year. The beaches on Maui are awesome, and the islands themselves offer an amazing diversity of activities besides the diving.

That being said, if you're wanting it to exceed Cozumel, you might be disappointed. The density and variety of terrain, visibility, and life in Coz is really hard to beat. Also, the boat diving in Hawaii is very expensive compared to the average two tanker in Coz. Rental car, tank fills and a good map is a good way to get some cheap diving in HI, but it is the ocean, and with your experience you might want to stick with more controlled situations while your confidence increases.

I live in Southern Cal, and while the diving here is ok (amazing to some, but too cold and not enough viz for me) being able to dive where it's warm and clear almost all the time while enjoying an a vacation that includes diving makes HI a slam dunk.

IMHO Hawaii=destination that offers diving whereas Coz=diving destination.

Another thing for me is that every place, and every time you get in the water you have the chance of enjoying and experiencing something new and unique!

Have fun!
Here's the best way I can describe the comparison of the Caribbean and Hawaii: The Caribbean is like a tropical rain forest with large, lush sponges, gorgonian fans, magnificent soft and hard corals, and huge schools of fish, all surrounded by life that is easy to find and see since it's everywhere you look. Hawaii is like a desert with low hard corals and lava rocks, with much of it's marine life hidden in the nooks and crannies, smaller, hearty schools of fish, and endemic creatures found no where else in the world.

If you know where to look and what you're looking for, Hawaii has amazing creatures to see, and IMO an excellent guide is critical for the newbie Hawaii diver as it can make the difference between seeing everything and seeing nothing.

I have hundreds of dives both in Hawaii and the Caribbean/Bahamas, and love both destinations. For those of us who love to hunt and find those hard to find creatures, Hawaii fits the bill and I'm never bored, and always look forward to my trips there.

If you're interested in seeing what you can find in Hawaii, check out my husband's photos from our recent trips to Maui. Keep in mind that some of the nudibranchs you'll see are sometimes the size of a grain of rice.
I've only done a handful of dives in the ocean (Turks and Caicos as well as Maui), I found both were excellent and different.

On the topside, I've been all over the Carribean (Mexico, GC, Dominican, Cuba, Turks) as well as the Big island and Maui. In my opinion, when it comes to the scenery, beaches, snorkelling, safety and convenience, Hawaii blows away the carribean.

I also have a young child so that is a big factor in my view:)
IMHO Hawaii=destination that offers diving whereas Coz=diving destination.

Couldn't agree more.

Happily, I was in Coz (for the 5th time) at Christmas, and Maui (for the 7th time) right now. And I love diving in both spots.

Life is good!

Kauai has some pretty good diving, especially if you like diving with turtles. There are several turtle cleaning stations that make for great dives. Niihau is supposed to be absolutely fantastic but I have not been to Kauai during the time of year when it is possible to get across to Niihau.
I think it's good to note that no two islands in Hawaii are the same. The unique features and creatures you have can be night and day different depending on what season or side of any given island you are diving on. Part of what I like about Oahu is how accessible all coasts are (west, south and north). Just when you are getting used to doing the big wrecks on the southside with turtles everywhere the surf picks up and you can head up to the North Shore for a full summer of shore diving complete with caverns, overhangs and all sorts of cool terrain. Same with the Westside..... bigger dropoffs, unique features and more pelagics.

I guess what it boils down to is what lens you are looking through...... After 8 years here on Oahu I get bummed when I hear people base their opinions on our state or island's diving on a handful of dives. Given enough time on each island I think any diver would be astonished at the variety and uniqueness of it all.

Just my 2 cents.......

Cozumel and Hawaii are completely different. I am no expert on Hawaii at all - only been diving around Maui but what I dove there I would do again and again. Molokini Crater for example is probably the best dive I have ever done. To get caught by the current coming around the back wall at Worlds End and literally fly along the wall was the best. My mask kept leaking because I was smiling so much. We saw lots of white tips, spinners, turtles, and types of coral not seen in Cozumel. It is a must do on any divers list.
One consideration vis-a-vis Hawai'i vs Cozumel... Cozumel is _crowded_ with divers and dive shops. At about any of the usual dive sites, there will be other boats and lots of divers in the water. Frankly, I found Cozumel rather off-putting. Of course, if you know the island well and can make arrangements with the dive shops as a regular or frequent customer, you may get to see some more unusual and secluded single experience there may be atypical.

In Hawai'i, while the undersea scenery isn't as spectacular, you still have some of the feeling of exploration and adventure, as opposed to lining up for the rides in Disneyland. I've dived off the Big Island as well as Maui and had a great time, both times. It's true the costs in Hawai'i are somewhat higher, but in my own view, I didn't get into diving to save money, and an extra $25-35 for a two-tank dive is worth it for me.

Another less tangible factor is the attitude of the shops and pro divers. In Hawai'i, the boat drivers and divemasters are generally there for the love of it....they _enjoy_ taking you diving. In Mexico, I have found that the dive operators seem to have the attitude that 'it's a job'...and while they may do a good competent job, they are doing it to make a living and pay their bills, with the joy of diving coming in at second place.

All that being said, I will admit my experience is limited and subjective, both on Coz and in Hawai'i. However I am very comfortable with the thought of going back to Maui...not so Mexico.

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