NetDoc once bubbled...
where Scubaboard is guilty because he wants it that way. Don't mind the facts, his mind is made up already. I am sure he will connect Al Queda to SB given some time and creative manipulation of the facts. Nuthin' but a troll.
The internet is populated by many types of people. Many are here to exchange information. They want to learn and to share their experiences. but, some are here merely to show everyone what a great "debater" they are. To them the "truth" means nothing and "winning" means everything. They ask you a question about how things are done, and then they set out to try and show you to be a liar. Instead of accepting your answer at face value they twist and mangle your words to try and prove something. Then they strut around like a proud robin telling their cyber buddies how "great" they are and how they are simply "terrorizing" Scuba Board.
Your agenda is transparent. We are not here to please those who cannot be pleased. You mock no one but yourself.