How is funded?

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Yeah, whatever....

So, to bring this back on point.

Are you going to 'fess up to lying about the pop-up ads and admit that your post was intended as a meritless troll?
NetDoc once bubbled...
about the quality of another board or it's members and then posting them is not against the TOS. You can even have a negative opinion about SB and any or all of the regulators and NOT be moderated... many have done that with NO consequence at all

" many " or all?
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...
Yeah, whatever....

So, to bring this back on point.

Are you going to 'fess up to lying about the pop-up ads and admit that your post was intended as a meritless troll?

I wasn't lying. When I jump to another site from SB on a windows machine at work, pop-up/pop-under ads have appeared a couple of times (doesn't happen at home because I have Safari set to supress pop-up and pop-under ads, and the Unix browser I use occasionally doesn't support them either).

I suppose it's possible that these were "remnants" from other windows that had previously been open, although the liklihood of that decreases as the number of incidences increases. I guess time will tell. I don't check here or post here very often because of the reasons I mentioned in my rec.scuba post, so I won't have too many data points, but I'll try to keep an eye out for the specific circumstances that causes the pop-under ads. If it turns out that these are indeed remnants, I'll be the first to admit it. And if I can conclusively determine there is no other source than SB, I'm sure I'll point that out as well :-).

Sure they're not being displayed from a trojan that's been downloaded onto your computer?

Never had pop-up or pop-under ads in over two years of using ScubaBoard. Unless it's specifically your ISP, which ScubaBoard has no control over.
agstreet once bubbled...

I wasn't lying. When I jump to another site from SB on a windows machine at work, pop-up/pop-under ads have appeared a couple of times (doesn't happen at home because I have Safari set to supress pop-up and pop-under ads, and the Unix browser I use occasionally doesn't support them either).

I suppose it's possible that these were "remnants" from other windows that had previously been open, although the liklihood of that decreases as the number of incidences increases. I guess time will tell. I don't check here or post here very often because of the reasons I mentioned in my rec.scuba post, so I won't have too many data points, but I'll try to keep an eye out for the specific circumstances that causes the pop-under ads. If it turns out that these are indeed remnants, I'll be the first to admit it. And if I can conclusively determine there is no other source than SB, I'm sure I'll point that out as well :-).


I can absolutely say that SB was not the source of those popups.

There are numerous programs, such as Gator, that get installed on systems via web sites (all you have to do is click yes) and they graciously provide you with popups and pop unders.
agstreet once bubbled...

I wasn't lying. When I jump to another site from SB on a windows machine at work, pop-up/pop-under ads have appeared a couple of times (doesn't happen at home because I have Safari set to supress pop-up and pop-under ads, and the Unix browser I use occasionally doesn't support them either).

I suppose it's possible that these were "remnants" from other windows that had previously been open, although the liklihood of that decreases as the number of incidences increases. I guess time will tell. I don't check here or post here very often because of the reasons I mentioned in my rec.scuba post, so I won't have too many data points, but I'll try to keep an eye out for the specific circumstances that causes the pop-under ads. If it turns out that these are indeed remnants, I'll be the first to admit it. And if I can conclusively determine there is no other source than SB, I'm sure I'll point that out as well :-).


So let me get this straight. You find a couple of pop-under ads. These ads are extremely common on the web and can come from any number of sources.

Since you can't identify their source, you immediately assume that these ads came from SB, even though (1) no one else has reported seeing them; (2) several members have denied seeing them; and (3) board management has unequivocally stated that such ads are not permitted on SB.

Once you are called on it, you admit that you have no idea where the ads came from and fall back on a rather lame excuse that "time will tell."

Yeah, right.... :confused: :rolleyes:

Check your mix. Your END is way below 100.
agstreet once bubbled...
I wasn't lying. When I jump to another site from SB on a windows machine at work, pop-up/pop-under ads have appeared a couple of times

I was playing around with my firewall one day, and watching the connections being made out of my system. I noticed something strange when loading some completely unrelated web pages; scubaboard included.

I searched the page source, and then had a long chat with King Neptune about it. There is _no_ pop-ups or other things on scubaboard that would cause connections going to other sites [aside of the links to pictures in the photography forum].

There are cookies that you can pick up while surfing around the web. These cookies will randomly connect back to their home while you are surfing. I assume they are possibly sending data back to their mother ship. I have set up routes in my firewall to deny these outgoing connections.

However these connections are _not_ part of scubaboard; it's just a nature of the cookie concept built into browsers.

I'm sure your situation is similar.
where Scubaboard is guilty because he wants it that way. Don't mind the facts, his mind is made up already. I am sure he will connect Al Queda to SB given some time and creative manipulation of the facts. Nuthin' but a troll.

The internet is populated by many types of people. Many are here to exchange information. They want to learn and to share their experiences. but, some are here merely to show everyone what a great "debater" they are. To them the "truth" means nothing and "winning" means everything. They ask you a question about how things are done, and then they set out to try and show you to be a liar. Instead of accepting your answer at face value they twist and mangle your words to try and prove something. Then they strut around like a proud robin telling their cyber buddies how "great" they are and how they are simply "terrorizing" Scuba Board.

Your agenda is transparent. We are not here to please those who cannot be pleased. You mock no one but yourself.
NetDoc once bubbled...
where Scubaboard is guilty because he wants it that way. Don't mind the facts, his mind is made up already. I am sure he will connect Al Queda to SB given some time and creative manipulation of the facts. Nuthin' but a troll.

The internet is populated by many types of people. Many are here to exchange information. They want to learn and to share their experiences. but, some are here merely to show everyone what a great "debater" they are. To them the "truth" means nothing and "winning" means everything. They ask you a question about how things are done, and then they set out to try and show you to be a liar. Instead of accepting your answer at face value they twist and mangle your words to try and prove something. Then they strut around like a proud robin telling their cyber buddies how "great" they are and how they are simply "terrorizing" Scuba Board.

Your agenda is transparent. We are not here to please those who cannot be pleased. You mock no one but yourself.

Wow. Listen to yourself NetDoc. I've made, what, four posts to this thread, and you've extrapolated them out into a tirade where you've psychoanalyzed my motives for everything from world peace to internet forum domination. That's some heavy juju you've been smokin' there, my friend. Be sure to share it with those Ducks whose young minds you've been charged with helping to shape ;-).

Seriously, I've asked what I believe is a legitimate question. I discovered what I believed was a legitimate revenue stream, although Spectre pointed out a potential way that I could be in error. I should add that his posts were rational, well thought out ideas, not flying off the deep end tirades like yours. Since I haven't been back to this board on the particular machine where I've seen the pop-under ads (and the only place where I get pop-under ads), I haven't had a chance to check in a controlled manner one way or the other. I'm the first person to admit when I'm wrong (something I understand is serious character flaw amongst certain moderators on this board). If it turns out that the pop-unders are remnants from another site, then that's what they were and I'll admit it. That still won't answer the question of what KN and LD expect to get in return for the few hundred $/mo it costs to run this board, but I expect that's an answer that will have to wait for it's own time.

As for trolling, in your dreams. Why would I bother? Catching someone like you isn't worth it. You're too heavy to pull on board, and I'd just have to throw you back anyway. If I was going to troll for the likes of you, I'd bait you out in the real world where I know you lurk but don't have the courage to post :-).

to me its none of your bussiness if they want us to know they will tell us.
if you want to know so bad pm them ask them personally I havent seen these pop ups everyone talking about compaired to allot of others boards just my 2 cents worth !!!!!!!!!

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