I'm a new DIR diver (not a new diver, just new to DIR - I did my Fundies recently, still provisional and trying to get a pass). I'm still in the process of dialing in my gear - before the class I switched from a bc to a bp/w, changed out my hoses, etc. Last week I bought a can light, and learned how to use it on dives over the weekend. Now I just picked up a couple DIR-compliant back-up lights, and need to attach them to my rig.
So today I stopped by a local dive op - the only dive op in my area that pumps Nitrox, as it turns out - to pick up a couple of bolt snaps. I only saw brass ones, so I asked the owner if he had stainless. He urged me to buy the brass ones instead, because "they'll last way longer than stainless". I told him I really needed stainless, and he seemed confused by that, until I said "well, I need them for the GUE class I'm taking", thinking that would explain it well enough and he could just give me a straight answer as to whether or not he has them.
He rolled his eyes and said, "Oh yeah, those guys. Yup, you'll HAVE to use stainless. Sorry, you won't find much in here for what you're doing." And then he turned his back on me and seemed no longer the least bit interested in offering me any service at all. I was a bit stunned - I mean, am I not welcome in his shop because I happen to take GUE classes? The bummer is that he's the only place I can get Nitrox fills, and frankly I'm not too interested in giving him my business after that kind of treatment.
This is not the first time this has happened. When I was in Costa Rica recently, we did five days of boat dives, and several other divers on the boat were very curious about our bp/w rigs, having apparently never seen anything like it before. Which was fine - we were happy to answer questions about it - until the guys who saw our Halcyon gear and asked me if we're cave divers. When I said no, they made some derisive comments about "fake tech divers" (and then they started talking in their own language, I think it was Dutch, and seemed to have a few more choice things to say about us among themselves.)
I also recently was at a dive event and mentioned my Fundies class, and several divers whom I know and respect made similar derisive comments...things like "oh those guys are dive nazi's" and "why bother taking tech training if you're just doing recreational dives?" You know the drill.
Then, of course, there was the recent, infamous "Fundies kicked my ass" thread, which surprised me with the anti-DIR vehemence of a certain poster in that thread (until he weirdly went all soft and started talking about food and wine - what was up with THAT? :w-t-f

Now, I'm well aware that there have been conflicts between the DIR and non-DIR diving communities for years, many stretching back to disagreements and incidents that happened way back when, with people like GI III and others. I don't know the whole history - not really interested - but I know enough to know there IS a history.
My question is, what do you say when people act like that? I'm not really sure what I'm asking for - I certainly don't expect to be able to change closed minds all by my lonesome, and I'm not interested in proselytizing - but a couple of choice phrases might work (which might make me feel a little better than just slinking away!). I'm sure many of you dive mainly with other GUE/UTD trained divers - but I will continue to do more dives without DIR divers than with, just cuz that's who I know. I also do a lot of dive travel (I'm heading for Cozumel next week) and, if my experience in Costa Rica is any indication, I can expect to continue to have encounters like this.
I'm just curious what y'all say and do when you run into this type of reaction.